Update: I received this email from K Bird

We are Think Tank, the artists behind the kite project.
We are not “Pick Fresh”.
Thanks for the post on your blog.

Marketing taken to the streets?

Who is the artist? Well this stencil artist is featured on the site? Connection perhaps?

See stencil art(?) here

I’ll have to admit this is a clever way to market your company, but you are still littering, having the police hunt you down is probably not the best way to market your company . . . Tomato soup can please . . . what was his name again? Oh yeah Andy Warhol, yawn, yawn, yawn, art school people are dumb, Rat Fink rules! But Hey I give Liberlism a bad name.

My art may suck, but at least when my TV pukes I don’t put it on a canvas.

19 Thoughts on “South DaCola art club w/Think Tank

  1. eh, what?

    what does this have to do with Cassie? where does it say these have anything to do with her?

  2. Thanks Bobbysocks, I changed it, I could have sworn there was a connection on the GC site, but maybe there is not, I guess it is just hard to tell stencil artists apart these days, there are so many people doing it, there like people who Abrocombie & Fitch shirts.

  3. yeah.
    i think sometimes you rely a little too much on the internets.


  4. Or my silly friends (wink, wink)

  5. oh yeah. them too. see, you need to hire me as your editor. i’d clean up your spelling, and keep you from getting your butt in trouble.

    unfortunately, the messages you send might also change slightly. ha.

  6. You realize though the PD is looking for the person who did this, right? They are concerned it may be gang-related or has to do with Dis-inform, or at least a public nuisance and littering. I find it ironic that Pick Fresh would post the kites (which are stencil art) right next to Cassie’s stencil art. Kinda takes the whole ‘Gorilla Art’ factor out of it when you are bragging about being a ‘Gorilla artist’ on the internets. Maybe you should be editing Pick Fresh’s website instead, or bailing them out of jail.

  7. Angry Guy on August 21, 2008 at 6:26 am said:

    If you follow a few links on the GC site, there is a section about Cassie…

    but for the most part it would seem these kids have read Juxtapoz one too many times. It all seems terribly unoriginal, ESPECIALLY the augie bathroom mural. *yawn*

  8. I told Cooked Rabbit that the GC header looks like a direct mail envelope I designed 3 years ago. Tomato Soup anyone?

  9. well, pick fresh is a bunch of people i don’t really know. not “kids” from what i understand. there are some local designers etc who freelance for them, cass is one of em.

    i really highly doubt she had anything to do with the kite thing, i know her and i just don’t think it’s her thing.

    angry guy. let’s see some of your art.

  10. Hey, you don’t have to defend Cassie or PF to me, I’m not the SFPD.

  11. not defending her. i just think siccing the SFPD on her is a little, shall we say, inappropriate.

  12. Angry Guy on August 21, 2008 at 7:54 am said:

    Bobbi, I’m a critic and an eye poker, not an artist.

  13. I’m not narcing them off, I’m WARNING them. And if I was Cassie I wouldn’t want my site and artwork to be linked to a site that brags about doing guerilla art.

  14. Angry Guy, I think you are an artist, no one paints bitterness better than you, sometimes I get jealous.

  15. Angry Guy on August 21, 2008 at 8:22 am said:

    Why thank you. That means a lot coming from a fellow short angry man.

  16. My Napolean Hat is around here somewhere . . .

  17. Ghost of Dude on August 21, 2008 at 8:43 am said:

    I stole it. I’ve been parading about the office ordering people around for a week now.

    And what’s “gorilla art”? Is that like when they strap a paint brush an a gorilla’s hand and collect whatever the paint fell on to sell?

  18. DUDE.

    you are the one who said spelling didn’t matter.

    seriously. i work cheap.

  19. Man it’s getting hard to operate a mouse when it’s inside your jacket.

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