Apparently if you voted for Obama, McCain or NO on 11 you are a murderer. That’s a lot of people;

“No, Barack Obama and John McCain are both child-killing socialists. ”

“This makes him a murderer by even the pro-choice definition of murder. Yet 170,884 South Dakotans gave him their stamp of approval in Tuesday’s election. Apparently, genocide is OK . . .”

I’m surprised weirdos like this know how to hold a pen. I think the Gargoyle Leader opinion page editors need to use their brains before printing this kind of crap.

7 Thoughts on “Cuckoo Bird Letter of the Day

  1. How many times do I have to say it: Abortion is obviosuly not murder. Not even Steve Hickey or Leslee Unruh think so: if they did, they’d have written IM11 to make abortion a Class A felony punishable by death or life in prison, just like murder, not a mere Class 4 felony as specified by IM11.

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Also, if they think it is ‘murder’ then why did they put in (supposed) exceptions for rape and incest? Isn’t aborting a rape victim’s fertilized egg the same as aborting a fertilized egg conceived through a normal sexual encounter?

    They contradict themselves so much, and wonder why no one believes them anymore.

  3. What is a “normal se xual encounter?

  4. Sorry, I should have said ‘consenting’

  5. Pingback: Cuckoo Bird Letter of the Day | Pelican Project Pro-Life

  6. Ghost of Dude on November 11, 2008 at 10:06 am said:

    What is a “normal sexual encounter?

    Reverse cowgirl?

  7. Make that baby yet?

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