
BAHAHAHAHA! It just goes to show how little they check sources.

Ellen at Newshounds has the rest of the story:

The only problem? It’s not true. As ACORN has stated in its press release,

“They were not believable”, said Ms. Kaelke of the two actors. “Somewhat entertaining, but they weren’t even good actors. I didn’t know what to make of them. They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me. Like Stephan Colbert does – saying the most outrageous things with a straightface.” While her sense of humor might not be funny to many people, the fact is that she spun false scenario after false scenario and the videographer ate them up.

ACORN provided a copy of a San Bernardino police report of their investigation into the “homicide” of Kaelke’s husband. The police concluded, “the claims do not appear to be factual. Investigators have been in contact with the involved party’s known former husbands, who are alive and well.”

9 Thoughts on “FOX News Punked by ACORN

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the Senate still said no to giving acorn money.

  2. I think this is so hilarious, HOS left me a phone message about it, and she was cracking up. I love how 1) Fox news is a joke and 2) they thought this was for real. I still cannot get the image out of my head of the fake pimp with the fur on his suitcoat and the cane.

  3. Interloper on September 17, 2009 at 4:40 am said:

    How about the other zillion times when ACORN was caught on camera doing bad stuff? If not for FOX we wouldn’t know. Why would you want your tax money going to this bunch of nuts? Oh wait. They support liberals and Democrats, so I guess it’s OK for them to get taxpayer money.

    And you know what? The threats of lawsuits against FOX and the filmmakers…BRING IT ON. The discovery process will open up these assholes to all the crap they are doing. Betcha they will think twice about suing. But if they do I’ll be the first to write a check to the defense fund.

  4. “They support liberals and Democrats”

    Good. You fucking scumbag neo-cons have ruled the roost long enough. Please take your racist ass ‘Obama is Hitler’ signs and move on.

  5. Oooh, the seething rage lewis, have you ever bitten the finger off a man before? If you like your tax $ going to these kinds of organizations, I’ll let you know where to send a check (I just set up a PO Box and will use your funds to help the pimps of the world since acorn will be out of business, I promise, pinky swear)

  6. and the Census Bureau has cut ties with them, one teensy little victory for acorn, bahahahahaha, that is funny.

  7. I think it is pretty pathetic that our congress is so stupid not to see that this was clearly a setup. It tells us what kind of people are running our country, sadly. They stop funding an org that has been successful in getting people registered to vote, yet continue to fund to unending wars.

  8. I’m betting it is all just for show. The ammendment to the bill that pulled funding for ACORN will probably get pulled off once the House and the Senate start to negoiate their bills in conference committee.

    I personally don’t care how much good ACORN has done – there have been way too many times they are affiliated with corruption, so I don’t see why we should continue to fund them.

    There are plenty of other voter drive organizations out there more worthy of our tax dollars.

  9. Yes, a PRESS RELEASE by ACORN is indisputable proof that this was a setup. What nonsense.

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