Give me your thoughts on this latest Vernon Brown postcard . . .

I will give you my quick thoughts; I do not respect any politician that uses their children as political props, in fact, I consider it desperate. I will give props to Costello, Peterson and Staggers for not dragging their kids into this. Sure, they mention them, but don’t use them in marketing materials. That is a good thing. Your resume should speak for itself.

13 Thoughts on “Open thread

  1. Awful and creepy.

  2. redhatterb on March 27, 2010 at 6:17 pm said:

    The politicians that bring their kids onto the scene, then turn around and wonder why the public brings up the kids.

  3. l3wis on March 27, 2010 at 8:57 pm said:

    Creepy is right. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it. I mean it would have been one thing if it was a picture of him reading a book to her on the couch, but this seems like a glamor shot or something?

    Red, I don’t think we have to worry about people bringing up Emma, because very few even bring up Vernon.

  4. He really has completely disappeared from the discussion. I’ll be surprised if he ends up any higher than 4th.

  5. scott on March 28, 2010 at 8:07 am said:

    i saw him at kohl’s yesterday. dressed in nerd dress shows, stripped button down shirt and a velvet blue blazer. he saw some old lady he knew from about 50 feet away and yelled out to her and then she started to gush about how great he was, and how the argus said he had the best lawn signs. he said he was there to meet his wife to help her buy shoes for his kid. when i saw him inside the store, the kid was on the floor trying on shoes with her mom, and vern was in the middle isle with his hands in his pockets looking around to see if anyone noticed him there.

  6. anominous on March 28, 2010 at 11:49 am said:

    He should have remembered to get shoes for the kid before they took that picture. Thanks alot, Dad.

  7. l3wis on March 28, 2010 at 4:06 pm said:


    Also missing is Vernon’s feather boa.

  8. Costner on March 29, 2010 at 6:11 am said:

    For a guy who has worked in various positions which directly relate to marketing, he sure has a horrid campaign and even worse materials.

    Seriously – if you look at that image without knowing that is his daughter, it is even more disturbing. Knowing it is his daughter just brings it to a seven on the creepy scale.

    Sorry Vernon – this is a gigantic FAIL.

  9. l3wis on March 29, 2010 at 6:37 am said:

    And why isn’t his wife in the picture?

  10. Ghost of Dude on March 29, 2010 at 6:47 am said:

    Ah yes, Vernon, it’s so nice of you to remind us via yard signs that you are, indeed, an American. Praise be.

    My only fear is his popularity with little old ladies. They all vote.

  11. l3wis on March 29, 2010 at 7:01 am said:

    People have a habit of saying and doing one thing in public and doing the opposite in the voting booth. I can just imagine this scenario taking place in seniors living rooms all over the city;

    “Pa, I just met the most wonderful man running for mayor, Vernon Brown. Do you remember him from Stormland TV News? I think I am going to vote for him.”

    “Ma. You really need to stop watching ‘All my Children’ and reading ‘Harlequin Romance Novels’ If you vote for Vernon, I’m moving into the garage and you can find someone else to drive you to Culvers everyday for the afternoon coffee bitch session.”

  12. Daizi46 on March 29, 2010 at 2:09 pm said:

    I thought it was an ad for a sick child and to give donations to help heal her. She looks all contorted..and barefoot? why? It just doesn’t jive..and yes..where is the wife? Strange strange strange!

  13. l3wis on March 29, 2010 at 5:25 pm said:

    Well, the postcard is good for something, I just used it to get a chunk of meat out of my teeth.

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