This postcard came out before the general election and was only sent to DEMOCRATS. (Can’t imagine if this ended up in Republican mailboxes 🙂 Not sure if this is an endorsement or not, but it cost Mike about $2,250. and it is certainly partisan. While I have a great deal of respect for Daschle and I despise the policies of John Thune, I still blame Daschle for being instrumental in destroying the values of the Democratic party of diplomacy. Daschle is the reason I am no longer a Democrat. While I consider myself a fiscal conservative, I also am a person that believes that diplomacy should always come before war. And when Daschle authorized GW to go to war with Iraq I went to the courthouse and changed my registration to Independent almost the next day.

You can think what you want about political endorsements from famous politicians, but I am voting for the guy that is endorsed by the people.

10 Thoughts on “Mike Huether gets a Daschle endorsement?

  1. More doublespeak yet again, read the second bullet point, then look at the picture again.

    You can’t say you are against “special interests” while standing next to the biggest lobbyist from a family of lobbyists.

    Kermit should get a van, paste this picture on the side of it and drive around town nonstop for the next week.

  2. l3wis on April 17, 2010 at 9:17 pm said:

    “Kermit should get a van, paste this picture on the side of it and drive around town nonstop for the next week.”

    Don’t think this hasn’t been talked about. The more people find out the democrat/daschle/hildy connection, the more they either don’t want to vote, or change their vote to Kermit.

  3. Social Justice on April 18, 2010 at 1:02 pm said:

    Daschle promoted more economic growth in the state of South Dakota than any politician has in a generation. It really is a shame we threw him out of office. He was a machine. A kid from Aberdeen that lit up Washington and was elected party leader after only serving 8 years in the Senate. He was responsible for TJ’s appointment to the Appropriations Committee (a seat that continues to bring our state millions of federal dollars a year). We should continue to thank and honor Tom Daschle.

  4. l3wis on April 18, 2010 at 8:10 pm said:

    Oh, I respect Tom on many levels, I just didn’t get the feeling that Tom was endorsing Mike. Not like Johnson and Munson. They endorsed each other while running for office. If Mike really wants to get an endorsement, he should talk to Thune . . . .

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Nevermind 🙂

    The point is partisanship, not Daschle.

    I just heard late today that now the abortion debate is being drug into this because Kermit is pro-life and Mike is pro-choice. WHO CARES! What do potholes and abortion have in common? Wait, don’t answer that question. I’m just saying, the abortion debate has no place in city politics.

  5. Costner on April 19, 2010 at 1:48 pm said:

    l3wis: What do potholes and abortion have in common?

    You mean besides the fact they are both issues which get a lot of attention during elections only to disappear from the front page until the next election cycle?

    How about the fact that they can both be uncomfortable?

    Maybe both of them could have been prevented with a little pre-planning (most of them anyway)?

    Maybe the root cause of both can often be attributed to a bit too much activity?

    Or maybe it is because they both have something in common with rubber?

    Ah… but I digress. You are 100% dead on when you say the abortion debate has no place in city politics. It isn’t like our city can ban the practice or have a dramatic influence upon it, so unless these guys decide to run for higher public office I could care less what their stance is.

    However I do know there are a lot of “one item voters” out there that just want their candidate to share their viewpoint on this issue and thus they refuse to vote for someone who is from the other camp. That is idiotic in my opinion, but I freely admit I have a member of my extended family who has admitted to the practice for well over a decade, so I’m sure it is more common than we would like to admit.

  6. l3wis on April 19, 2010 at 7:57 pm said:

    Potholes and Abortion.

    You really need to get your own blog, that was a funny comparison.

  7. I suggest printng these out and handing to your friends. I already turned a Huether supporter into a Staggers supporter when he saw this. The guy about hit the ceiling! Im handing these out at the post office.

  8. anominous on April 20, 2010 at 10:18 pm said:

    I still don’t get it. Is it an endorsement or not? It just looks like one of those pictures anyone can get for donating money to a political campaign. Ben, can you help us out with this?

  9. I like the fancy balloons.

  10. TJS2010 on April 25, 2010 at 1:05 pm said:

    “Kermit is pro-life and Mike is pro-choice. WHO CARES! What do potholes and abortion have in common? ”

    The fact that Sioux Falls has the only Abortion Clinic in the State matters. Local Leadership should not support this practice in their own city. This issue matters.

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