The snowgate petition gatherers will be at the Benson’s flea market this weekend at the Expo building on the fairgrounds, Saturday and Sunday. There will be information and a video showing how they work at the booth.
We are at almost 3,000 signatures and counting, help us hit the 4,000 mark this weekend! (We need to turn in 5,500 signatures).

3 Thoughts on “Snowgates . . . Another Man’s Treasure

  1. Reader on October 6, 2012 at 10:45 am said:

    Any chance you can post that video on how snow gates work?

  2. Pathloss on October 7, 2012 at 2:39 pm said:

    3,000 signatures in only a month. 6 months is the time frame. It’s not just about snowgates. This is the beginning of organizing voters against Huether.

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