From my email box;

How many Friday nights do you ever see a crew working OT on a street project? MMM must have given Cotter an edict to get the intersection open for his July 4th parade. Never mind the rest of the 6th Street project looks like a war zone!

10 Thoughts on “Parade Ready! (H/T – KILTHEMES)

  1. anonymous on June 29, 2013 at 2:41 pm said:

    Looks like Mike’s Parade is going to have to start next to Munson’s plaque!

    Just think…..

    Next year, Craig Lloyd’s “Phillips to the Falls RESIDENTS” will be able to just step out the front door of their ground-level apartments to watch the Mayor’s parade!! What a vision for our multi-million dollar street leading into Falls Park!!!!

  2. ‘Vision . . . thru rose colored glasses, that is.’

  3. pathloss on June 30, 2013 at 12:02 pm said:

    At some point, they’re cleptocratic vision must be replaced with the will of the people. Taxes embezzlement must end. We don’t need a large coliseum and avenues to nowhere if we must piss at the curb because infrastructure has failed.

  4. anonymous on June 30, 2013 at 1:20 pm said:

    Exactly Lewis….

    I was being sarcastic when I said…..

    “What a vision for our multi-million dollar street leading into Falls Park!”

    Going way back to Munson’s Folly, when he signed the check to complete Phillips to the Falls in the dead of the night without the Council’s approval, the land that lines this street was intended to be commercial and parks.

    Residential units were never intended to be at ground level. But now, because Craig Lloyd cannot secure the financing for all commercial at ground level with residential above, the Planning Commission and the Council have agreed to allow residential at ground level on a “temporary” basis. Listen to the June 5th Planning Commission meeting on you will hear Lloyd snicker when the word “temporary” comes up.

    Mike Huether, Mike Cooper, the Planning Commission, the City Council and Craig Lloyd are quite the visionaries when it comes to one of the most important streets in this city!!!!!

  5. L$ody Care$ about one th$ng.

  6. The wet spring has set many projects back by weeks. The contractor most likely has a deadline and will be fined if it is not competed on time. Hence the late night and weekend construction work.

  7. anonymous on July 1, 2013 at 6:59 am said:


    It will be interesting to see this week if the “deadline” for 6th and Phillips is July 3rd!!!!

  8. Craig on July 1, 2013 at 8:30 am said:

    Have to agree with LJL on this one – as much power as a mayor might have within the city hierarchy, he doesn’t have the ability of forcing an independent contractor to pay his workers overtime just to make a parade look pretty.

    Most road projects come with deadlines and hefty penalties if they aren’t completed by a specific point. I’m sure this one is no different.

    Just think… an optimistic person would see this and say “wow they are making good progress – soon enough that road won’t need to be blocked and it will make downtown travel so much easier for residents and workers”. On the other hand, a cynic would see this and immediately think there is some conspiracy at play with the mayor using his power to manipulate the world around him as if he is Emperor Palpatine.

    Which view do you feel is more common here?

  9. I see it both ways, really. I would assume the deadline put on this project probably was July 3. But I have a feeling this isn’t about ‘penalties’ if it is not finished by then.

  10. I have just heard from two different sources that they are forcing the contractor to at least ‘temporarily’ pave the intersection by July 4th for the parade. Still checking with another source.

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