13 Thoughts on “Dr. Bosworth laugh of the day

  1. She reads the bible on line and wants to be seen as a Christian, yet she tell obvious lies. The two are incompatable.

  2. Oooops

  3. Anooner on December 16, 2013 at 7:54 pm said:

    I think she meant to tell the mechanic she was clueless.

  4. Titleist on December 16, 2013 at 8:37 pm said:

    She needs help.

  5. I had it right first. Shes F*%& CRAZY.

  6. Wow, my friends have said some harsh shit to me, but that’s gotta hurt.

  7. pathloss on December 17, 2013 at 9:54 am said:

    Most mistresses state they’re homeless. It’s how you get all your withholding back and qualify for food stamps.

  8. Just wondering how does a doctor become homeless, unless they have been mismanaging their money? I realize they have student loans to pay off. That being said I have a niece who is a family medicine doctor and her husband is a stay at home Dad, providing day care for their kids. She just finished paying off her school loans and now the only debt they have is their modest home. They have one natural daughter and two kids adopted from Russia. She stated that the last adoption that was completed in February cost roughly $50,000, and they aren’t homeless. I don’t know off hand, how long ago she finished medical school, but if I remember right her residency was completed about 2004. So something is wrong with the Bosworth story.

  9. Jackilope on December 17, 2013 at 6:21 pm said:

    Madville Times has been doing a great job of investigating the hi jinks that Dr. Boz & Hubby Boz Haber have been up to. Definitely mismanaging money, not paying employees, and posting videos of their kid begging for money so his Mom can heal others elsewhere. The biggest issue is her not refunding $1000 raffle ticket $$$ to people who purchased tickets for a land raffle never held.

    On Facebook she has posted a pic of Sarah Palin and herself together, so she does emulate another grifter.

    Perhaps as she is running to get rid of Obamacare, we can all learn the Boz way of simply begging, borrowing and negotiating our health care issues.

  10. Collecting money for a raffle and keeping it without a raffle will get her time in the big house way before shes asked to the White House.

  11. Silly, Silly, Silly, Girl.

  12. Every race needs a trainwreck… grab a bag of popcorn and keep watching.

  13. Oh, it’s gonna get real interesting.

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