Boy, they really did it this time over at KELO-TV. In a story about affordable housing, they put a direct link to Lloyd Companies website to apply for an apartment. Now if Lloyd is paying for the link, fine, but this story borders more on advertising then the need for affordable housing.

Seems the Sales team and the News team have their morning meetings together.

3 Thoughts on “Stormland-TV Advertorial Reporting

  1. Dan Daily on June 10, 2014 at 9:39 am said:

    KELO is public broadcast. Not only is this behavior a problem, they fail to report irregular or unlawful city procedures. This year I’m making an FCC complaint.

  2. 85th stuckee on June 10, 2014 at 1:54 pm said:

    Kelo owners must be partners with mmm an rmb to build the “projects”to complete the look of Detroit Build them on edge of town fill them up with low income based and then don’t even think of providing mass transit or at least para transit to them. Can you see the slot
    Machines spinning up win after win for mmm and Lloyd and watch the debt soar higher. How can a news organization pretend this doesn’t occur ? Must be the money thing again. Greed

  3. TruB on June 23, 2014 at 9:16 pm said:

    isn’t Keloland TV a faux news website? It does not seem to represent a real TV station. I can find a KELO CBS affiliate but seems like a web site only presence. Maybe that is why the link went to Advertising?

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