Forget EB-5, Dennis is now claiming he is a leader when helping with flooding. Could have fooled me. When Joe Lowe was coordinating the Dakota Dunes flooding fiasco (he worked for Dennis) they had to find ways to distract the governor while he was visiting the site before he made any stupid decisions. I think Joe referred to the experience as ‘babysitting’ the governor, he also had some other ‘colorful’ descriptions of our governor’s brain trust when it came to disaster management and cleanup. Let’s just thank God for one decision Dennis made, keeping Joe Lowe on as his disaster manager.


5 Thoughts on “Gov. Daugaard, Master of Disaster?

  1. Best government-self governance on September 22, 2014 at 12:57 pm said:

    I’ve seen photographic evidence of double d having the largest bong in the history of the Lamda Chi fraternity at USD.

  2. Well, if your little gossipy rumor is true, it would explain his memory loss on EB-5.

  3. looks like denny is pretty good at standing around with his hands on his hips. like most mid-level managers do.

  4. The funny part is that I really believe him when he says he knows nothing about EB-5. I can just imagine him sitting at his desk in Pierre just staring into space.

  5. Missouri River on September 22, 2014 at 8:34 pm said:

    I like the Denny ads where you have the river bottom folks happy with Denny for saving their homes when the houses should never have been built in the flood plan. The “disaster” is actually not letting those formerly illegal houses survive the raising water. I know several who were allowed to build, they should never have had a building permit.

    Living in Pierre many years ago the word was there would never be water front homes due to potential dam discharge.

    Stupid and these people brag about being stupid and do not consider what it has cost the rest of us.

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