
Remember this fiasco from last year, where our mayor didn’t understand constitutional rights? I wonder if the Christian schools will get it this year and not yank that chain again?

While the city maintained they didn’t supply the paint, they do admit they prime the canvas for the students;

The Street Division primes the plows, and the schools and organizations supply the paint.

And of course they had to include this stupid disclaimer;

The City of Sioux Falls does not censor the content or any viewpoints on the artwork. All of the plows will include a decal stating: “The City of Sioux Falls encourages creativity. This ‘Paint the Plows’ work is created by students. Any messages or views expressed are not those of the City or endorsed by the City.”

I’m encouraging the administrators and teachers of ALL of the schools involved to encourage creativity and discourage challenging the US constitution this year. Maybe paint some snow angels this year instead of stealing a copyrighted logo.

2 Thoughts on “A return of the ‘Jesus’ Snowplows?

  1. imagine the outrage if “praise allah” were painted on the plow.

  2. The D@ily Spin on October 14, 2015 at 10:24 am said:

    Hey, we’re lucky it’s not ‘Huether for Governor’. Public funded signs and campaign trips is bad enough. It’s a ‘What would Jesus do?’ question. What would Huether do? Everything illegal, corrupt, and unethical.

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