
Published on Nov 14, 2015

The 5th Annual Mayor’s Neighborhood Summit was held on November 14, 2015.

The Mayor wants everyone to blame a lot on bad neighbors when in fact his bad neighbors are often people who don’t wish to conform to his tastes or wishes. As South Dakota courts have ruled, the city cannot determine what a house must look like or when a person must stop updating it.

The Mayor could not avoid Bruce Danielson’s statement or questioning the city of Sioux Falls’ oppressive policies or code enforcers. Watch the results.

8 Thoughts on “Cameraman Bruce. Bad neighbor.

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 15, 2015 at 8:41 am said:

    Bruce was polite. The city harrassed him 10+ years with hundreds of citations. They recruited his neighbors to make complaints. The city says they become the complainant but neighbors were not kept confidential in circuit court. There’s potential for civil damages they’re not exempt from. Bruce was cleared for everything but not until he was arrested, booked, and held on a one cent bond.

    The mayor can and will put you in jail on false charges. It costs $2,000 to hire a lawyer and clear yourself. Your arrest record follows you. It can’t be erased.

    Moral, you can’t trust city hall. They’re good neighbor approach is because it’s the only way they can come close to enforcing ordinances. Circuit court cases they bring are dismissed because the city charter does not comply with constitutional due process.

    Read city ordinances as if you are city government. They regard your property as theirs. If a tree dies, they demand you replace it.

    Do not get involved as a neighborhood vigilante. You’ll become alienated and relieved of assets. Do not speak up against Mike Huether. He’ll have you jailed and ruin the rest of your life. It’s a free country just not inside Sioux Falls city limits.

  2. The D@ily Spin on November 15, 2015 at 8:56 am said:

    Elect Mike Huether governor. His style of harrassment and corruption belongs at the state level of the most corrupt state in the country. We can restore liberty and quality of life in Sioux Falls with him gone. It’ll take a new charter and restored city council checks and balances. The half billion in debt caused by Huether has lowered city credit rating but selling off the Pavilion, Orpheum, and airport hotel could restore solvency.

  3. anonymous on November 15, 2015 at 2:08 pm said:

    An 1850’s Chesapeake home surrounded by a neighborhood filled with tract homes built in the 1950’s and 60’s.

    Reminds me of the 2015 McMansion under construction on Second Avenue surrounded by a neighborhood of historic homes and across the street from McKennan Park.

  4. annon, there is a distinct difference between neighbor and city harassment highlighted in the video and your reference to McKennan Park, covenants.

    When there are not covenants or facade restrictions the house can look like anything the owner wants to make it look.

    The McKennan Park house is in a historic district with strict rules, laws or covenants. People buy homes there because of the rules. The area HAS strict covenants the owners and builder chose not to follow.

    My Neighborhood and my house look the way I want because there are NO covenants. Like most of Sioux Falls, if you want to redo the look of your house and it is in an area of town with no covenants, do it. You don’t have make your house look like your neighbors.

    The city did not do their job of upholding the laws they are required to follow, hence the difference between neighborhoods and houses.

    The house referred to in the video never looked like the rest of the neighborhood from the day it was built. The then rural house was fought in 1964 by the neighbors and those same neighbors drove out every resident since but me. You know why I’m still here? Most have proven to be such bad neighbors I don’t care what they think anymore.

    During the past 22 years they have proven they don’t understand property rights and how to be a good neighbor.

  5. The D@ily Spin on November 16, 2015 at 10:33 am said:

    I’ve been to Bruce’s home. Every home in the neighborhood has random architecture. It’s not tract homes. The area was lots built near the city limits. At inception, before annexation, it was out of town. There’s no curb & gutter or storm sewer. It’s ditches either side of black top. The city is forcing ordinances on an area without restrictions. There are more violations for his neighbors than he. Indeed, he is a good neighbor because he has not reported on them. In this town, a good neighbor is one who’s not a snitch.

  6. anominous on November 16, 2015 at 11:47 am said:

    Kind of seems like the mayor’s penchant for perfectionism in better homes and gardens would be better served by re-paving the street in his gated (public) community, again.

  7. “In this town, a good neighbor is one who’s not a snitch.”

    I would agree 100%. In fact I would take it a step further and instead of snitching on your neighbor, give them a hand.

  8. The D@ily Spin on November 17, 2015 at 9:09 am said:

    Power to the people. We don’t need city hall. Everything they do backfires. Taxes go to overhead, debt, and padding pockets. It’s to big. It can’t be fixed. Sure, let’s build them another building. It’s boring when jobs are a big title without functionality and activity. They need a bingo hall for between times punching in and out. Call it an administration building now but repurpose it as a jail once the county gets tired of housing the mayor’s innocent insurgents.

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