
You can read Whitney’s diatribe about Theresa, some of it is true, some of it is stretch. His constant HATE of all things Staggers and his close relationship with the mayor is no secret. I have always contended that he should have stayed at the sports desk, the section of the newspaper I automatically pull out and put in recycling. Not to say Stu can’t write, but like many reporters in this city, they have NO historical knowledge of city government, so they write trash, some still call it a ‘commission’. The only good reporter they ever had on the city beat was Ellis, and after the Mayor cried to Beck, they pulled him off the beat.

But I have to take issue with this statement by councilor Neitzert;

I have not been bullied by the administration and no one ever said that we can’t talk to the press. Being asked to follow certain codes of conduct does not mean you are being suppressed.”

Really Greg? Really?

Greg has told me in emails and on the phone that he has in fact been bullied by the mayor for talking to the media, in fact, Greg has bragged to me he has gotten the best of the mayor in an email exchange after the mayor chastised him over a letter to the editor.

If Greg wants to give criticism towards Stehly, he is well within his rights, she has stumbled. But to say the mayor hasn’t bullied him is complete boloney.

16 Thoughts on “Councilor Neitzert doesn’t tell the ‘whole story’ to Stu Whitney

  1. You are being way too kind Scott. Nitezert not only did not tell the whole story…he LIED. Loser.

  2. Yeah, I was being nice, he lied, big time.

  3. Concerned citizen on September 21, 2016 at 9:53 pm said:

    I gave money to Greg’s campaign. Either Stu is greatly embellishing Greg’s comments or if he HAS had the same experience as Theresa, and is now throwing her under the bus, then I am totally disallusioned, disappointed and angry.

  4. So after the election in April, I have to stay out of all of this because I believe in being a graceful loser. I wanted to make sure to give Councilor Nitzer time to do his own thing and become the leader he campaigned as. But that time has now passed when he turns his back on everyone who helped get him to his position.

    After the incident, I and Councilor Stehly had with her talking to you about a conversation I naively assumed would stay private I found my set not fond of her but in the time since then my admiration for her has grown. This past Sunday I ran into her while shopping and was able to briefly speak to her, and she gave me a heads up to what was going down. I never thought it would happen this way.

    Personally, I believe that it’s better to do the right thing even if it means standing alone. Councilor Neizerts decision as contrary to how he claimed in his letter to the editor was nothing but the easy way out. Stehly took the right way and now is paying the price. The only solace is knowing there are many more willing to uphold her ideals for years to come.

  5. anonymous on September 22, 2016 at 6:15 am said:

    All those who have followed local politics for many years know that Stu Whitney lacks historical perspective. It is obvious in his writing.

  6. My Mistake Mike on September 22, 2016 at 7:28 am said:

    Poor Greg. He has been getting played by MMM and is the only one who doesn’t see that.

  7. He told me he was being intimidated at each meeting. Wonder what flavor of coolaid he drank?

  8. The D@ily Spin on September 22, 2016 at 10:57 am said:

    As far as I’m concerned, the only REAL Councilors are the two that represent citizens despite being intimidated by the mayor. The others just play councilor on Channel 16. They’re scared will only take pictures with the mayor without the two Councilors. Discrimination and Intimidation?

  9. Nothing ensures access and relevance more than blabbing about one’s perspective of private conversations with elected officials.

    Stehly has long been comfortable in the small-ball world of snow gates and pools, where one can adopt that “me against the world, little guy fights the system” schtick without much harm.

    But the world of representative politics is different. Seems like Stehly hasn’t figured that out, and has already managed to put herself on an island not even six months into her tenure.

    What Neitzert has figured out, that Stehly apparently hasn’t, is that the horizon is long when it comes to getting things done for one’s constituents. This is especially the case when an elected body is as small as your city council. Maintaining positive relationships with fellow council members is paramount. Burn a few bridges on an eight-person body and suddenly it is nearly impossible to get *anything* done.

    Neitzert has very correctly observed that the only way the bond issuance for the administration building doesn’t happen is if a court intervenes – and that’s not a forum where the city council has any kind of sway. So there’s no value to his constituents in burning a bunch of his political capital shaking his fist at the clouds with Stehly.

    Stehly, conversely, demonstrates no ability to see the long game. She fights the battle in front of her at any moment like it’s the most important battle, and will gladly burn bridges trying to win it. But that doesn’t work in a body where you have to show up to work every day with the same colleagues. People get tired of the act. Even the media will quickly tire of it.

    The things that make her effective as a small-ball community activist are the same things that will make her profoundly unsuccessful on an elected body.

  10. Observant Citizen on September 22, 2016 at 12:26 pm said:

    I too am extremely disappointed in Neitzert. His despicable comments to a highly questionable journalist, whom many refuse to read and hurts the reputation of the Argus Leader, shines much light on Neitzert’s own ability to rationalize and make wise decisions. He was very foolish and impulsive. I feel he many be revealing that he is not ready to serve the public as a councilor. (He began with such promise.)

    In one week without any new revelation, he switched his position/vote on the advisory vote for the administration building without a valid reason, claiming the mayor would just veto it. Well the prudent thing to have done was let the mayor give the citizens a disrespectful middle finger and carry the entire issue on his mayoral shoulders. Instead Greg and the other 2 weak kneed councilors, Christine Erickson and Marshall Selberg, embraced the mayor’s position and offered the public their middle finger.

    He claims to have not been bullied, which I believe questionable. Is he a strong and principled woman or an inexperienced young man getting pulled in many directions and influenced by other power seeking councilors. It is factual and history has proven men do not like strong women. Now we see it again.

    But more importantly, folks, what we are really observing is a replay of the cliques and the politics of high school and all those groups and organizations run by a few elite and their saluting soldiers. See it for what it is. Observe and learn if your councilor is an independent thinker devoted to the principle of serving the people or one being manipulated by other power hungry councilors positioning themselves as “thee leader to follow.”

    Same song, second verse,

    Could be better, or it could be worse…………………..

    Human nature never changes!! Power corrupts!!

  11. I knew I would be able to find this podcast today. In it nitezert again throws Theresa under the bus. Is there a media outlet he has not whined too, in his own character assassination of Theresa? Pot, meet kettle. Again, I’ve never talked to this guy in person, never want too. To those of you here who have, is there any truth to his constantly saying to media there is no bullying or i timidation going on?

  12. From the nitezert webpage while running for council.


    Transparency will be a top priority for me. Trust is only gained and preserved with transparency. Secrecy is antithetical to a good government. We cannot ask citizens to pay for city government and tell them they have no right to know what we are doing with their money. We need to strive to avoid arrangements that allow for confidential agreements and settlements whenever possible. We need the council and citizens to be informed as fully and as early as possible.

    Now that he is a member of the good ol boy club, transparency and closed door executive sessions must be the same thing.


  13. Observant Citizen on September 22, 2016 at 12:58 pm said:

    And if you watch very closely I think you will begin to see the groups and identify the cliques.

    First there is the old guard of Rex, Rick, and Michelle attempting to hold onto power that belongs to them because they have served the longest know everything.

    Then there is the short, short skirt group managed by Christine with her two new to the council followers. I view Christine as trying to position herself for more leadership after the next election.

    Lastly there are two separate and independent thinkers, Stehly and Starr.

  14. Reliable Voter on September 22, 2016 at 4:17 pm said:

    I understand Greg doesn’t have any experience working in a politically charged atmosphere. But, Greg if your out there and you see this: you don’t go on a radio show to talk about how you don’t want to talk to the media. If you don’t want to talk to the media you don’t. And don’t say you can’t be bullied and during the same interview say you “have to speak” because Stehly somehow compelled you to do so. Like you were bullied in to speaking. Your need to be “understood” will drag you under her.

  15. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on September 23, 2016 at 3:45 pm said:

    Does the Literary Guild Book Club still exist? If so, perhaps someone should join and order from them a gilded edge copy of Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” So that it can be given to councilman Neitzert in hope of enlightenment….

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