9 Thoughts on “Parks for Sale?

  1. The D@ily Spin on October 8, 2016 at 5:11 pm said:

    The neighborhood got ruined with houses higher and right next to each other. Huether’s tennis groupies left for indoors and air conditioned. Time for digital signs and another Walmart? The respected Irishman is now a permanent panhandler. Once construction starts on the Admin Building, McKennon could become the new enclave for vagrants.

  2. SF Taxpayer on October 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm said:

    This is a joke, right?

  3. I ask that same question every time I drive past Spellerberg and see those ugly Midco signs.

  4. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on October 8, 2016 at 9:50 pm said:

    To think that the “Greatest Generation” defeated the Axis powers only to have it descendants usher in the collapse of the American middle class and corporate subjection.

    Just as there should be a wall between church and state so should there also be a wall between corporations and state.

    They say a corporation is a “person,” but I have never known a corporation to die for its country.

    The glitter of “Sanford,” “Midco,” and what ever is next, are not the signs of true revenue enhancement for the City, rather they symbolize more the blatant and increasing owning of our government not by the people, rather by the “person” or “persons,” which have a brand instead of a real name, a greed instead of a soul, and an audacity instead of a track record of true sacrifice for its claimed people and government.

  5. So you’ve been a big believer in private money funding many other things but Spellberg is a problem for you?

    You’re really a poor loser. We lost the vote….GET OVER IT.

  6. The D@ily Spin on October 9, 2016 at 9:19 am said:

    Blogger Winston, true and well said. I’m a combat vet. It especially hurts me how the public and corporations disrespect freedom. None on the council nor the mayor are vets. Watch better men fight and die. You’ll stop threatening individual liberty and respect the constitution.

  7. LJL, in losing a 2014 vote for a new outdoor pool at Spellerberg Park we did not give any authorization for an indoor pool nor did we voters give authorization to change the park name to Midco Spellerberg Park.

    This is a taste of what our administration likes to do when anything is happening in Sioux Falls, a rationalization with obfuscation to make it their way.

  8. The D@ily Spin on October 9, 2016 at 5:33 pm said:

    The country club projects (EC, pool, tennis, Pavillion, RR shopping center, hotel) are unjustified extravagances. None have enough income to justify. They were overpriced construction. They cost to much to maintain. Now we need a 4 story headquarters building with no income to manage them. This is not the businessman government. It’s the CEO who caused the company to fail. Everybody loses their job. He takes his golden parachute and moves on to destroy something else.

  9. Ol'Bubbleguts on October 10, 2016 at 5:13 am said:

    Dan has ran askew.Again
    lurrrved the comment wiyj yjr eorf soul innit
    chicklet keyboards must die

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