
I reported a few months ago that the county spent around $40K for new video equipment (at the advice of the city’s media department, that record the meetings) and one of the meetings had no audio. So now Tuesday, the meeting is totally defunct. According to a county official there was a problem with a camera that resulted in malfunctioning the other cameras, but they thought the audio was fine. I guess that is defunct also now.

I find it ironic that the meeting that had ‘technical problems’ was the one where the commission approved the contract with Fitch to do consulting for ambulance service and the President of Med-Star came to testify against it.

Where is that audio . . . maybe REMSA filed it with Paramedics Plus call performance reports.

One Thought on “Now Citylink is screwing up Minnehaha County’s meetings

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 4, 2016 at 4:16 pm said:

    Is the city media department a bunch of Wikileaks hackers? No, they’re programmers from the 1980’s MS DOS generation. Is this another department that should be one manager with private outside contractors? There’s something very wrong when Cameraman Bruce’s editing using an obsolete Sony camera is better quality than a $40k project coming from a million dollar city department. Call Daktronics. In the city case, FAX or telegraph them.

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