As of yesterday you can pick up your nominating petitions, and you have until March 28 to file them (I think you need 50 signatures?).

Only one candidate has announced, the wife of Mark Mickelson, Cynthia. While I’m sure she would make a great board member, I hope others will run.

7 Thoughts on “Get your School Board on!

  1. Randy Dobberpuhl on March 2, 2017 at 1:15 pm said:

    It was only 25 signatures the last two years I ran. My family and I are still contemplating another run. The drive and heart are still there, I just want to make sure I will have enough time to commit.

  2. Is McKennan Park/Pendar Lane an elitist political factory, or what?

  3. l3wis on March 2, 2017 at 2:40 pm said:

    Go Randy!

  4. l3wis on March 2, 2017 at 2:44 pm said:

    EC – I just went over to the Wuss College and read Cynthia’s response to you. LOL. I hope she realizes you don’t have to live in McKennan Park to be recruited by people who live there. Cynthia is being asked because the upper crust in SF need their peeps on the school board to maintain the iron grip the SD GOP has had on small government in this state for 40 years.

  5. l3wis,

    Here is my response to Cynthia’s DWC remarks at me, that Pat won’t publish.

    Emoluments Clause
    March 2, 2017 at 2:40 pm
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Did I strike a nerve of someone who is a member of a prominent political family in a one party state, perhaps?

    A state where legislators don’t read their bills before legislators are asked about them at a legislative coffee. A state where a serious scandal involving millions and a death is apparently settled with a $ 2000 fine. A state where politicians are not indicted, but their associates are, instead. A state where politicians will not be interviewed about a scandal, unless they can do it in tandem to make sure they get their story right. A state where legislators go against the voters and try to lower the minimum wage after the voters had just raised the minimum wage. And a state where legislators thumb their noses at the voters when the voters pass an ethics initiative….

    These are the realties of a one party state and its characters, and these comments and others by me are not “attacks,” rather they exemplify what Truman meant when he said…. “If you cannot stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen……”

    I realize that the above mentioned contentions are not themselves germane to a school board race, but they do speak to the realities of a one party state and the political apparatus which churns out its candidates at all levels to protect the interests of the elite at the cost of the average worker or its citizens.

    Let me close by asking you one truly germane question, however. Did you support Trump? And if so, do you support De Vos and her interest in school vouchers which will further challenge public education not only in Sioux Falls, but also throughout the land?….. Now, there is a germane issue for you….. And I think this question needs to be answered publicly and not privately with me, especially since you have such an issue with anonymity, which is a protected first amendment right, I might add….

    As far as running myself, why do I need to run to effect change when my mere anonymity itself can garner the attention of an established candidate?…. What was it that Reagan once said? Oh yeah, “You would be amazed at what can be accomplished, if no one cares about who gets the credit…..”

  6. Commander are you in or not quit leading us around and go for it.

  7. Voter on March 3, 2017 at 6:06 am said:

    Just read her comments.

    I also believe in civility.

    But, if she wants to serve in an elected position, she will need to grow a much thicker skin.

    In the near future, the SFSD faces tough issues like boundary changes, bond issues, difficulty in hiring qualified teachers, steadily increasing number of students with behavior problems, etc. etc…..

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