Day 3 of the KSOO radio show experiment will feature Theresa Stehly (about 4:30). I will admit, for being a green horn at this, Lalley is doing a pretty good job. Shout out to Dan Peters for his excellent production and guidance.

2 Thoughts on “Stehly to be guest on the Good Ship Lalley Pop Show

  1. Theresa stehly on June 21, 2017 at 12:06 am said:

    We will be talking City Council issues of the day..and plugging my benefit plant/rummage sale on Saturday at 24th and Van Eps….9:00-12:00. All proceeds go to the Family Connection,a facility that provides lodging for families who are visiting relatives who are incarcerated. Please call me at 929-8783 if you have any gardening items to donate.

  2. WarrenPhear on June 21, 2017 at 8:21 pm said:

    Listened today. FAR superior product than the “program whose name we shall not speak”.

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