Greg will make the announcement on the 25th at 11:30 AM, Downtown Holiday Inn, Main Floor meeting room. Jamison is a former 2-term city councilor and currently a state legislator. Besides former city councilors Jim Entenman & Kenny Anderson, Jamison has the added experience as a one-session legislator. All the other candidates have little to no past government experience.

5 Thoughts on “Greg Jamison to announce Mayoral Run on Monday

  1. Not quite fair how you choose which comments to publish based on your own views…you can call people names, but apparently no one else can.

  2. T – I would have allowed it, if you would have given a reason why you think this way about this person. Just calling someone a name without telling us why you think this is pointless. So please, take another shot at it, and I will allow the original comment.

  3. Titleist on September 21, 2017 at 9:52 pm said:

    Epistemic closure.

  4. Vote Jamison for Public Office

  5. i think jameson would probably end up being another munson. which is still better than diamond jim being another heuther.

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