2 Thoughts on “Weird ‘1984’ Recording about security measures greets Garth fans at the Denty

  1. “Welcome to the Starship Eventsprise…. please keep to your right”…….”All troublemakers to the left for appropriate deprogramming”……”And all non-Trump voters should be prepared to take a loyalty test before entering the Starship”………”We hope you enjoy the show…..”

  2. anominous on September 16, 2017 at 7:50 pm said:

    Could someone please turn on the darkened streetlights along 8th street since we are trying to show some hospitality to the out of towners? I know it would give away the location of SFPD’s best speed trap, but some light would also be courteous to the people trying to walk back to their hotels downtown. Get it together, City.

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