During his latest Shut Up and Listen session on Wednesday addressing a group of Chamber leadership peeps, MMM says he will be making an announcement soon on his political future. He says he has been considering many options which include running for senate or for governor or for mayor again in 4 years. He said he has considered all of them.

My bet is still on that he will run for governor as an independent. I just don’t think he will sit around for another 2-4 years. As a person who is constantly trying to re-invent the wheel, he isn’t going to just sit around and do nothing for that period of time.

During the session he also bragged about the city’s growth during his tenure. What he failed to mention is that most of the growth has come from people in our city making babies. The explosive growth in our school system is proof of this.

One of his sessions of course can’t go by without telling a few lies. He went on a rant about how NONE of the mayoral candidates or council candidates in the latest municipal race have taken a stance on the Parking Ramp before the vote. While I’m not sure if most them have or have not taken a stance, I do know that Jolene did. When asked by Lalley last week on his show Jolene said she did support the project. The only concern she had was the lack of transparency. But she was very firm on the fact she supports downtown development.

He also said he thought some of the candidates for mayor may push our city backwards. While I may not agree with some of the candidates philosophies, I don’t think ANY of them would go backwards. I think they are all pretty forward thinking, especially when it comes to open government and civil rights. It’s pretty sad he would say this, like he was some kind of great progressive. Spending mommy and daddy’s credit card on play things and producing enormous debt under a veil of secrecy is NOT progressive, it’s actually fiscally regressive.

He also blamed the city council for NOT fixing public transit, saying they can’t make the hard decisions. Funny, coming from the guy who doesn’t let them do things on their own. The Glory House land transfer was a great example of this. Councilor Starr had it handled with the help of the council and Mike had to get his fingers in their and make them pay for some of the land. The council also tried to stop the unnessary spending on the administration building and he vetoed them. He also stopped the districting of the parks board and has bragged that he only needs 2-4 votes to get things done with the council. The mayor has never worked with the council on anything, he only bullied them. No wonder they haven’t done anything with public transit, because any ideas they have would just get stomped down.

He will not be missed, and if he does decide to run for governor, I will do everything in my power to make sure that he does not win.

18 Thoughts on “Huether to make an announcement ‘soon’ on his political future

  1. The D@ily Spin on December 8, 2017 at 3:36 pm said:

    He can’t take credit for city growth. It happened because of luck and geography. North Dakota oil while and after brought services and jobs. Regional Ag prices improved. No corporate or personal state income tax attracted business and retirees. An aging population added medical facilities and jobs. A lucrative environment for payday loan and credit cards created jobs and call centers.

    What Huether has done is left the city with a half billion dollar debt, filtered public funds into private and personal benefit, neglected the impoverished, and used Home Rule Kleptocracy to deny citizens constitutional democracy.

  2. The D@ily Spin on December 8, 2017 at 3:41 pm said:

    I forgot to mention Wind Energy. It’s Huether Wind that bores us near death so we need Sanford Health Care.

  3. I don’t think Noem is going to get the Republican nomination. That said, a Huether candidacy for governor will elect Jackley as the next mayor. Sutton will be the big loser in that scenario.

    If Noem gets the nomination, then Huether’s changes increase, but not enough to win in my estimation.

    I like Sutton. He has a great stump speech by the way, but I have always thought that Huether was the strongest gubernatorial candidate for the Democrats even with the siding issue and the building collapse. I know that a lot of fellow Dems don’t agree with me on this one, but I still believe it. And the day Huether became an Independent is the day, that most likely, the Republicans held onto the Governor’s mansion beyond January of 2019.

    Now, some will question Huether’s Democratic credentials, but an enemies enemy is your friend. A Democratic Huether could have been to the Democrats advantage regardless of how conservative and/or how pro business his own views are…. But if Huether runs for governor as an Independent, then Marty might want to start measuring the drapes in the mansion….

  4. “next mayor?”…….next governor! 😉

  5. “enemies?”…..enemy’s 😉

  6. Warren Phear on December 8, 2017 at 4:31 pm said:

    EC, do you think any SF resident, let alone a narcissist like huether, would have a chance in any state wide run? I am of the opinion SF is not viewed very favorably by the rest of the state.

  7. WP, that is a good point and historically you are right. Often Sioux Falls politicians make great Lt. Gov. candidates, but never go beyond that accomplishment.

    However, given Huether’s affluence, his high profile, and Yankton/Brookings backgrounds too, I think he could win statewide as a Democrat, but not as an Independent.

  8. i would think that either noam or jackly would have a field day hammering mmm on his record and personality should he run as an independent for govenor, and he knows it. he will sit the govenor’s race out.

  9. Sorry, I just don’t see him sitting in the rocking chair the next 2-4 years waiting for another political opportunity. He knows he must use the political capital he has now. I’m sticking with my governor run. My guess is he will make the announcement either the week before Christmas or the week after.

  10. The Festival of Lights was filled with omens to come. The Mayor made it into the parade and so did “Honest Abe” (David Z.)….Yet, no politicians are suppose to grace this event?…. And then Dusty’s crew crashed the party too….

  11. Watch out for slick Mike.

  12. Warren Phear on December 10, 2017 at 3:35 pm said:

    I hope he does run for governor. He no longer has access to the Hildebrand machine. He does not have an (R) by his name. (R) (D) (I) means nothing in city politics. It does in state.

  13. Briggs Warren on December 10, 2017 at 8:40 pm said:

    See I think he will sit it out a few years and let time pass in hopes people forget about his flaws. Then come back and run on a “remember the good old days when I got things done. Let’s do that again” platform.

  14. Warren Phear on December 10, 2017 at 9:25 pm said:

    Briggs, by that time the chickens (bond debt) will have come home to roost. But, I think you are right. He stays put and stays in a spotlight he has grown accustomed too.

  15. Briggs Warren on December 10, 2017 at 11:15 pm said:

    But again by the time, any possible problems caused by the bonds come to light the general voter will not connect that to Huether. Will people try… yes but most likely it won’t work. The administration at the time the problems happen will be blamed not those who caused them.

  16. anominous on December 11, 2017 at 7:40 am said:

    I dunno all it would take to clean up pierre is take away those worthless legislature bums’ free alcohol every night. MMM already fdone that once with these damn bums pissing up the Soiux Falls parks. Get the pierre police to start writing some drunk driving citations on those fat basterds. It would be easy for mike to twist some arms out there.

  17. Anon, Mikey instead let his directors go to monks at 3pm.

  18. Judge Wopner on December 11, 2017 at 7:51 pm said:

    He will run for mayor again after a 4 year break for all of the above listed reasons. He likes being the dictator and the media won’t call him out on his spending record in any way that impedes him. I just don’t see a big spending Democrat with a horrible personality (when the cameras are off) identifying with anyone outside of Sioux Falls. For those in the know, he really is a quite unlikeable person.

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