One Thought on “Dem Forum Live Feed, NOON Today

  1. It is quite apparent that there are two healthy political parties in Pierre. No, there really are. The two parties are the right-wing Republicans versus the moderate Republican/Democratic Party.

    Now, to stop bad legislation most times, that is a good thing, but what should concern us as Democrats is that such an arrangement could overtime co-opt us and our message and destroy further interest in the Party too. If it hasn’t already.

    District 15 Democrats are the “Massachusettians of the South Dakota Democratic Party,” or at least they should be, and their primarily duty is not to engage in the promotion of their alliance with moderate Republicans, rather it should be to be the greatest and most vocal spokespeople for Democratic ideas first and foremost.

    Lets remember, District 15 Democrats do not have too fear re-election, so they should not fear Republican ideas or their power.

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