*Note: City Finance Director Tracy Turbak will return to the March 13 informational meeting to finish answering budget questions per request of councilors Starr, Stehly and Kiley.

City Council Informational Meeting

The city council will get a review of the Open Data Initiative. They will also hear from the Health Department about noise ordinances. They will also hear about some ordinance updates.

City Council Regular Meeting

The first SIOUXPERHERO awards will be handed out.

Item#1 Contracts, we will be approving $300K to construct new exhibits at the Pavilion’s Kirby Science Center. I’m curious about this one, because I thought we had major sponsorship from Sanford?

Item#58, Resolution, Renew contract for Great Bear. There has NEVER been an RFP to change the contractor at Great Bear.

Planning Commission Meeting (2/7)

Pretty normal meeting, with no controversial items.

Item#9, Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Sanford Sports Complex

Item#14-16, Amending ordinances

Item#17, Updating Planning Commission Bylaws

One Thought on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda (March 6-7, 2018)

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 4, 2018 at 9:46 pm said:

    First Superhero, how embarrassing.

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