Someone forwarded this email to me today that was apparently sent to the city council last week AFTER the Levitt’s director gave a presentation to the city council at last Tuesday’s informational;

First Name


Last Name



Parking for Levitt at the Falls


Dear Council Members, During my presentation to the council on Tuesday, Councilor Stehly asked if I felt the 2700 identified free parking spaces were adequate for our expected attendance at Levitt at the Falls. As parking has been the primary concern I have heard from residents, I was hesitant to go too far in answering Ms Stehly in such a public forum. However, I am following up to voice my concern. This summer we are hosting 30 concerts, with an average expected attendance of 1500-3000 people per concert. I am concerned that parking will be an issue and see additional challenges as we grow to 50 concerts each summer beginning in the spring of 2020. I am working closely with Lloyd Companies and am delighted to know that they hope to add a parking facility within their new Sioux Steel Development. I hope that you will do what you can to lend your support to this much-needed facility to make our downtown more easily accessible to all. Thank you for your service to our community!

My first concern is that a director of a local non-profit that receives a ton of public funds doesn’t see the need to share this information at a public meeting, well at least she found it necessary to share it with them in an email.

Secondly, I don’t see 1,500-3000 people at these events. I wish it were true, but my guess is it will be closer to 300-500 people until people get a feel for what kind of concerts these are. I also don’t understand the cries for parking. There is plenty of parking, and I also think people can use resources like Lyft/Uber, the Trolley to shuttle them from central downtown or even better ride your bike or walk. Ironically, as someone pointed out to me the other day, the Walker parking study indicated that the best place to build a new parking ramp wasn’t at the current controversial site but in the spot just South of the Levitt where Raven is tearing down an old building. What a concept!

Lastly, I’m annoyed that the Sioux Steel development is using a Non-Profit to leverage for a TIF to build a parking ramp. I can hear the arguments already if the expected 3,000 a night don’t show, “People said they would come, but couldn’t find any parking.” Oh, poppycock. Isn’t it amazing that 40-50,000 people show up for parades downtown like Parade of Lights and St. Patty’s or the Sidewalk Arts Festival and find plenty of parking, but now all of sudden we can’t find parking for a couple thousand?

The fix is in folks.

This disappoints me even more since I am supportive of the Levitt and am excited about the first year’s lineup. Now I hear they are being used as a pawn in a multi-million dollar corporate welfare tax scheme. Doesn’t anyone in this town fight fair anymore?

7 Thoughts on “Is the Levitt banking on a parking ramp at Sioux Steel site?

  1. "Very Stable Genius" on May 13, 2019 at 9:07 pm said:


  2. anonymous on May 13, 2019 at 9:31 pm said:

    Just what the taxpayers need.

    Getting involved in yet ANOTHER public/private partnership involving a PARKING RAMP!!!

    Don’t forget.

    The Council pledged revenue from the second penny as collateral for the current mess of a public/private partnership involving a parking ramp deal with Legacy/Lamont.


    That second penny that was dedicated to maintaining Infrastructure, i.e., ROADS.

  3. Warren Phear on May 14, 2019 at 5:55 am said:

    Parking. Parking. Parking. It always comes down to how far are people willing to walk? There is ample parking North of 8th street for the crowds expected. Problem is, the levitt, and the available parking is more than 2,000 feet away from the city’s bullseye, 10th & Phillips. Just like the events center, people will get to their car and head for the exits without experiencing the vibrancy of the bullseye.

  4. In the future, Don’t expect transparency from Nancy Halverson, the CEO of Levitt at the Falls:

    “As parking has been the primary concern I have heard from residents, I was hesitant to go too far in answering Ms Stehly in such a public forum.”

    That would be COUNCILOR Stehly, Ms Halverson. And, by the way, she was questioning you in the peoples’ town hall on behalf of taxpayers who elected her. Those same taxpayers who have contributed to and will continue to contribute to your project!!

  5. l3wis on May 14, 2019 at 9:55 am said:

    Well, I can guarantee one thing, she probably won’t be sending an email like that again. You would think someone who has worked in Non-profits for as long as she has she would know better to send something quasi-secretive to an elected body. Once it hits their email box it become public property.

  6. Their expected attendance is hilarious. Yes, the first couple of shows will get that as people want to see what this is all about. As the summer goes on, though, the numbers will continue to drop. I predict a couple will even be below 100. Then again, if they utilize the Jazzfest method of counting…

  7. l3wis on May 14, 2019 at 11:23 am said:

    Yeah, after reading her estimates I wanted to says, “What is this? LifeLight at Levitt?”

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