It has been a couple months since the city had a contractor cut down my ash tree in the boulevard. On my block about 6-8 trees were cut down. All of them now have seedlings growing from them (in which I have to cut weekly).

For some reason the city decided to hire a different contractor to grind the stump (instead of using the same one who cut down the tree).

Ironically, when they cut down Ash trees on city property (like parks) the stumps are ground right away.

It would be nice of the stump could be at least ground down before the Fall so grass can be planted before winter.

2 Thoughts on “When is the city going to grind boulevard stumps?

  1. Blasphemo on July 17, 2019 at 2:25 pm said:

    I agree. They sure made quick work of taking those trees down before the Memorial Day deadline. On a per tree basis, it can’t possibly take as much time to grind out a stump as to take down the entire tree. It’s hard to understand why we’re still looking at these stumps sprouting new growth. We have one nice, green balmy season here. Why can’t they manage to keep all the major thoroughfares swept, weeds killed growing up through concrete street & sidewalk cracks, and grass mowed & trimmed in a timely manner on all public right of ways? OHHHH, but we have that nice shiny new Arc of Dreams downtown, don’t we ! And, we’re going to have an old downtown movie theater with no parking, right? Never mind the rest of Sioux Falls public land developed circa 1990 & older looks like Hayseed Bumpkin Junction, USA.

  2. anominous on July 17, 2019 at 4:55 pm said:

    ru stumped lol

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