2007 > 2008
Being a cynic and critic in 2007 was a rough road for me, but I always try to learn from the thumps on my head. But it wasn’t all bumps and bruises either.
I learned that when you take on the arts establishment for their misdeeds they’ll hunt you down like a dog and get Janklow’s favorite alternative press to join the fight. Though my wrangling with the Washington Pavilion and Arts Night last year was a fight I probably lost I still got in the last word. I also understand from some insiders they (finally) changed some policies (too little too late). I found that more and more regular old artists like myself will be thrown under the bus very quickly just to make a few self-important patrons look good. In 2007 artists in Sioux Falls once again were treated with disrespect while patrons were shown to be God’s greatest gift. The only way our community can move forward as an arts city is if those tables get turned and until that happens I have vowed not to show any of my (fine) art within it’s boundaries.
Which brings me to 2008. I have been working on the ‘WAITS’ project over the past couple of months and hope to complete it by the end of summer. This is the first in the series:
I’m doing paintings inspired by Tom Waits’ songs. I hope to do at least 20 of them. I’m in a three way tie right now between Austin, Minneapolis or San Francisco on locations for the opening. I’m hoping that SF wins! You can see more on my art site: www.25dp.com
I also plan to buy more original art. My walls are slowly becoming full but if there’s anything I never regret purchasing it is original art. If it is good, it is timeless.
Another highlight from 2007 was the logo design I did for JazzFest, it was very popular and for the first time in several years most of the merchandise sold out. I’m currently working on the logo for 2008 and it is even better. Once we do some final tweaking I will post it.
This was my favorite toon I did in 2007:
I have a lot of (cartooning) balls rolling in 2008. I have a project I am working on that I hope to release within the next month. It is very exciting and I am fortunate to get the opportunity to work with a celebrity. I’m hoping it leads me to actually learning animation in which I have gotten many requests for in 2007 (if only I can afford a new MAC – SANTA CLAUS!) I am also pursuing some different alternative media. It’s no secret that most of my stuff is a little more cutting edge and less safe then other cartoonists in town. I suppose I can be bitter about not being printed in the Argus Leader, and I am. But I would prefer to be out here in the blogsphere where I can do my own thing and not worry about fire breathing editors (and wing-nut neo-cons) telling me what to do.
Which brings me to my most important lesson from 2007. It’s not what you know in KELOLAND it’s who you know. I’ve seen a lot of success for other artists in our community. Some deserve it, some don’t. I refuse to stick my head where the sun don’t shine to make a couple extra nickels on my art and cartooning. It’s just not worth it. I may not be the nicest guy in the world (or the most handsome) but in art I always hope to have integrity.
I’ve moved to St. Paul, and I vote that you open your show here. (Or Mpls) I really like your work and would love to see it. I promise to invite all my friends, and even my enemies. (Whose numbers are greater than friends.)
“I promise to invite all my friends, and even my enemies. (Whose numbers are greater than friends.)”
Wow, there are people out there like me.
Scott – you are full of integrity, and you ain’t a bad guy either – congrats on all that you have accomplished, and thanks for all you have done for the rest of us non-artist mostly fan ilk (I always liked that word) – Russ