This was published in the Argus Leader,

Specifically, voting “yes” on 10 will:


  • Stop politicians from handing out government contracts in exchange for campaign money.
  • Stop term-limited politicians and retiring bureaucrats from trading their political influence for high-paying jobs after leaving office. 


  • Require that relationships between elected officials and government contractors be made transparent by publishing detailed contract information on the Internet.
  • One Thought on “Measure 10 Editorial

    1. Greg Dean on October 7, 2008 at 7:58 am said:

      The only “bureaucrats” that would be prohibited by IM 10 from going to work for government contractors are legislative employees, interns and pages. It would not stop any other state or local government employee from leaving public service and going to work in the private sector.

      Mr. Butler and Mr. Kephart may want to re-read section 5 of IM 10, just in case they have any questions.

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