I wonder if the consumerism drunken Republicans will get it?
‘Twas the morning after Halloween and into Wal-Mart
stumbled three wayward friends who each grabbed a cart.
Hungover and hungry, they came for cheap food.
Yet what they discovered was unexpected, not good.
For what decked the Wal-Mart halls, floor and walls?
But reindeer, Santas, snowmen and green and red balls.
Truly, the friends found this site very queer.
Despite what the calendar said, Christmas was here.
I also liked this part;
I would propose a boycott of these stores that so vehemently exploit Christmas, but I have yet to find a single store that has not.
Twas the day after Christmas,
And all through the trailer
The beer had gone flat
And the pizza was staler…
Hannity had his head up Bill O’s ass so well,
It was actually Ann Coulter’s but he could not tell.
Some places make you pay extra for that.
The RNC snack bar?
I don’t know what this has to do with it but those women on the “Weather Channel” are really hot.