
I find it very peculiar that in the last few months of Munson’s administration the city is trying to ram this plan thru. It is no secret, that no matter who is on the next council or sitting in the Mayor’s chair several department heads may be losing their jobs. Is this why they want to implement this before the Spring elections? I’m not sure. The current plan is effective until 2015. Don’t get me wrong, this is an important plan that needs to be implemented, but I feel it should be voted on by the next council and mayor at the end of 2010 after they thoroughly review it. I don’t think this city can afford to implement any more of Munson’s administration’s plans. Several councilors seem to be concerned that the next council and mayor may be too green. Councilor Beninga went as far as trying to extend some of the terms so that we wouldn’t have half of the council changing in 2010, claiming that it takes awhile for a new councilor to learn the ropes. I partially agree with him, but it depends on who that councilor is and their knowledge of city government. It would be like comparing Pat Costello to Gregg Jamison, both new councilors, but I feel Pat has grasped his job responsibilities a lot faster then Gregg has. Yes, change is scary, but it can also be a good thing. I believe the recession will last thru the end of 2010 in SF, and from all signs, it will get worse before it gets better. We need fresh ideas and a new perspective, and I think those new perspectives should be included in Shape SF 2035.

There is a public input meeting September 15 at 3 PM.

5 Thoughts on “Shape Sioux Falls 2035 – What is the big hurry?

  1. Plaintiff Guy on September 7, 2009 at 10:29 am said:

    The present plan is disfunctional. It can be blamed on present regime planning: ready, shoot, aim. A new plan would require city directors to return from Arizona and show up for work. Besides Nostradomus, the Mayans, E. Casey, Merlin, others predict the end of the world when the planets align on Dec 21 2012. Therefore, the present plan into 2015 is fine. I’m getting used to tax increases, worthless projects, and 100K mayors assistant brain dead eye candy.

  2. “I’m getting used to tax increases, worthless projects, and 100K mayors assistant brain dead eye candy.”


    BTW, AG and I plan on being at the Mayan Pyramids on 12/21/12, wanna join us. I heard Kahula will be flowing in the rivers.

  3. BTW, that logo is awful, but ironically it describes the political ‘SHAPE’ Sioux Falls is in; Cartoony.

  4. Plaintiff Guy on September 7, 2009 at 12:33 pm said:

    What a waste of Kahula. Yea, let’s go.

    Is that Bart Simpson in the logo at top right (hiding behind North Korea)?

  5. redhatterb on September 7, 2009 at 3:54 pm said:

    What really needs to be shaped in Sioux Falls is the city leaders. No new mayor and city council would be that out of shape that some of the current members should be retained so that there wouldn’t be so many new members. Sounds like another big spender in the making, if that is what he wants.

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