Sandy gets it right for once.
They have already written a proposal before even meeting with local legislators;
Taylor presented a draft bill today which would enable cities to raise a sales tax for a specific purpose with local voter approval.
But it isn’t sitting well with all legislators;
“I have a problem with building it on the backs of the people who may not even be able to go to an event,†she told the group at the Orpheum Theatre Center. “A lot of people are hurting out there. So now we’re asking them to pay more for stuff and especially food. You can delay (buying) stuff, you can’t delay food.â€
While I don’t always agree with Sandy on many issues, she is spot on on this one, but it doesn’t stop the spin cycle by the EC Task Force;
Task force co-chair Terry Baloun said food accounts for only about 8 percent of the roughly $50 million a 1-cent Sioux Falls sales tax would raise each year.
If you do the quick math, that is $4 million a year out of working families pockets to build AN ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY. But that is JUST FOOD. That does not include utilities, clothing and transportation, the stuff working class people spend a majority of their incomes on. Start adding up all those taxes and you are way over $4 million.
A combination of a B & B tax, an advertising tax and a corporate entertainment tax is the best way to pay for this facility, not to mention you can keep them in place permanently.