

The talk from Democrats about wanting to instill “responsible spending” in Pierre has not gone over well with many Republicans. Lucas Lentsch, the GOP’s executive director, has denounced it as a “phony” plan indistinguishable from Heidepriem’s stump speech for governor.

“It’s one thing to talk about being fiscally conservative and it’s another to have a track record of that,” Lentsch said.

Republicans in the Legislature are doing the “heavy lifting” right now by looking for cuts while Democrats, the minority party, are “throwing stones in the road.”

Lentsch said Democrats last year complained the state wasn’t spending enough. Before the budget crash last year, Democrats wanted to divert more interest earnings from state trust funds to K-12 education.

Lucas, your statement makes you look like a horse’s ass! Seriously, dude! Who has ran this state and Pierre for the last 8 years? Your party! You realize you are a Republican, right? The only track record you have had is running this state into the ground. Come to grips amigo! Keep blaming Obama for your problems, eventually people will wake up, scoop up your crap and throw it back in your face.

4 Thoughts on “The SD GOP, what a funny bunch

  1. Costner on January 25, 2010 at 7:44 am said:

    Keep blaming Obama for your problems, eventually people will wake up, scoop up your crap and throw it back in your face.

    I’m not so sure this is a factual statement. Seems to be the SD GOP has been able to blame Democrats successfully for something like 60 years and yet they continue to get away with it.

    I suspect this won’t be changing anytime soon.

  2. M'man!!! on January 25, 2010 at 9:28 am said:

    Actually Lucas’ party has run the state capitol pretty much unfettered since 1979. I love the rage about one-party rule and secret meetings in Washington. Republicans in Pierre can give lessons on one-party tyrrany. Republican House and Senate members have never allowed the public to attend their caucus meetings, which means every day the legislature meets, a majority of the legislators meet in secret behind closed doors!

    Lucas should fix his party before he confirms to the world he is an ignoramous.

  3. Ghost of Dude on January 25, 2010 at 10:09 am said:

    The SDGOP really, really needs some credible opposition.

  4. Not just former Republicans turned Democrats

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