A Hardy Howdy Anti-Homo Boy Scout Hello Handsnake Salute to ya all:

Re: this very PRO-HOMO fundge packer-backer blogger’s Queer & Crooked plea for a more GAY-er Boy Scout Program  (ICKY-POOH!)

( http://cookross.typepad.com/cook_ross_blog/2010/02/boyscouts.html )

ALERT: DO NOT ALLOW THEM IN OUR TENTS AND DO NOT LET THE U.S. BOY SCOUTS BECOME LESS MORALLY STRAIGHT THAN THEY ALREADY ARE BY ALLOWING GAY-BAIT BOY SCOUTS THAT ARE QUEERS & FAGGOTS!  Well, at least most EggBert Family members (hard to tell about Nathan Jane, she-nephew) were raised equally Morally Straight AND non-Queerly Crooked while in the Boy Scout program. The Proof is in the Scout Oath Puddin’ – Below are EggBert Family photos of past Non-GAY Cub Scout, WeeWeeBelows, Boy Scout 1) knot-kinking & rope-escape merit badge assignments, 2) PineWoody weenie roast derbies, 3) greased-up patrol leader & wet-uniform contests, and 4) hot & sweaty-steamy Summer overnight campfire adventures, etc.  SEE EGGBERT FAMILY (MORALLY STRAIGHT) BOY SCOUT PHOTOS BELOW:

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.


EggBert & family (and a cast of millions up on millions of Morally Straight Boy Scouts across America and below the collapsed Senior WeeWee Restaurants where we all live in non-Queerly Crooked weenie happiness…)

One Thought on “Keep the Boy Scouts Morally Straight, not Queerly Crooked!!!

  1. This was an awesome article. I have often thought that the BSA was a Christian organization under the guise of camping.

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