This internet poll may be part of the problem;

And this letter writer sums up the rest of it;

Then there was your bumbling coverage and early endorsements around the mayoral election. I read intently when you wrote an editorial bemoaning the fact that voter turnout and local political interest is low. I noticed you chose to give a public forum to what you called a “shameful” rumor about Mayor Mike Huether having a “gay agenda.” (I didn’t hear the whispers; did anybody else?)

Well, if you read Pasture DooHickey’s blog everyday you would have heard the whispers.

Perhaps people are discouraged because they read the Argus Leader. If you ever go back to reporting the news instead of trying to anticipate which politically stilted spin you think the public wants to hear, perhaps I will subscribe again.

Just like I said on Sunday, BLOGS are impartial, newspapers should not be.

29 Thoughts on “And the Argus Leader wonders why the public is misinformed about elections

  1. l3wis on June 10, 2010 at 6:35 am said:

    I see the AL fixed the poll graphic, but isn’t ironic that an employee of the paper who made the graphic didn’t know that ‘Herseth’ and ‘Sandlin’ are the same person. What did Beck say in his weekly column?

    “That’s one of the things we do pretty well – ask questions – and the time we’ve spent vetting each of the GOP candidates for governor and U.S. House, as well as soliciting their detailed answers to a written questionnaire, reveals a lot about their background, where they stand, their grasp of current events, and poise.

    The editorial board – our names and positions are listed on page two of each Voices section – then tries to answer a fairly simple question in arriving at our endorsement: Based on everything we’ve gleaned about these candidates, who would do the best overall job for the public? Or, in the case of a primary, who would make the best overall candidate representing the party in the general election?

    We examine their leadership potential, experience and grasp of the issues. Were they vague or evasive in their answers? Did they get things wrong? Do they have well-formed ideas? We debate, we argue, we reach consensus. That’s the way the process works.”


  2. Ghost of Dude on June 10, 2010 at 7:04 am said:

    Just like I said on Sunday, BLOGS are impartial, newspapers should not be.

    Shouldn’t that be the other way around?

  3. The Argus Poll is priceless, but Herseth-Sandlin really is two people -one here in SD, and one with her votes in DC. In any case, she’s now Mrs. Sandlin – the “Stephanie” days are over.

    Regarding your reference to me, the Argus put the word shameful over the wrong group in this case and Beck and I have talked about it since he used that word. A group of pastors had one simple question of a mayoral candidate and we got profanity and threats from Huether & Co. for asking it. He could have answered with a simple no and moved on. But instead he lied on the radio when he was asked if he answered the questions the South Dakota Family Policy Council was asking. He didn’t show up at our forum or respond to other requests for a response. We didn’t send up a whisper either, after we got stonewalled we shouted it from the rooftops in our circles.

    Huether has his work cut out building a bridge with some clergy in his city.

  4. John M on June 10, 2010 at 7:59 am said:

    This is the second time the AL has posted an H-S poll in this manner.

  5. John on June 10, 2010 at 8:38 am said:

    Just the crazy clergy.

  6. Jonathan Ellis on June 10, 2010 at 9:00 am said:

    I’m told our system doesn’t allow you to put a space in the poll question, so it automatically created three persons to vote for. It was fixed by putting an underscore between Herseth Sandlin. So no it wasn’t because of human error.

  7. Angry Guy on June 10, 2010 at 9:13 am said:

    You’re still talking about homosexuals, DooHickey?
    What’s your malfunction?
    I know… you’re afraid that if Heuther makes SF a more GLBT tolerant community you might have to acquire a taste for tossed salad? You should embrace it as an opportunity to preach your morals to a new flock. You could start up one of those “Cure The Gays” clinics where you sit around talking about the sanctity of vaginas and God with spontaneous bouts of oil wrestling when things get a little too ginger.

  8. Pingback: Argus goof turns Herseth-Sandlin into two people

  9. Still talking about homosexuals? It’s not a matter I’ve spoken to in the past, except on this occasion. You must have me confused with someone else.

  10. Angry Guy on June 10, 2010 at 9:58 am said:

    Then you’re an idiot too.

    “Surely some of you reading this want Sioux Falls to be a gay-friendly haven. Well then it looks like Mike Huether is your guy.”

  11. Ghost of Dude on June 10, 2010 at 10:12 am said:

    He didn’t show up at our forum or respond to other requests for a response.

    I don’t blame him.

  12. l3wis on June 10, 2010 at 10:23 am said:

    JE- I figured it was due to programming, but don’t ‘humans’ preview stuff on the website before publishing it?

  13. John2 on June 10, 2010 at 10:35 am said:

    Folks not much interested in elections, eh?
    Here’s one reason – there is only one functional party, it merely has two flavors.
    Doubt it, then explain how the voting of SHS, Curd, Nelson or Noem would have been different in this recent congressional session.

  14. Plaintiff Guy on June 10, 2010 at 11:21 am said:

    I looked at the Mitchell paper today. It’s how I remember newspapers. Bigger than the Argus and good articles. Do they offer home delivery in Sioux Falls?

  15. Angry Guy – good, you found the link I was referencing. Like I said, except in this case, I’ve haven’t been one to get excited about anything the gay community in the city is up to. But, interesting, you always seem to get up in quite a bunch about whatever I’m up to – what’s your malfunction?

    My point was that Huether could have made this a non-issue real quick by saying to any one of us… no, your concerns are baseless and completely unfounded.

  16. l3wis on June 10, 2010 at 12:20 pm said:

    Steve- Did he really have to? I would have ignored your silliness to.

    I mean, when I emailed him about the Events Center, he responded, even though he never really answered the question.

  17. Ghost of Dude on June 10, 2010 at 12:34 pm said:

    I emailed him during the campaign and he called me.

    It seems that if one has a legitimate question, he’ll answer it.

    The “whispers” about SF becoming a “gay friendly” community due to some deal between him and Hildebrand were really no different from the group who put up this site:

  18. No he didn’t have to, but he should have. I don’t care if he ignores me but he knows it wasn’t just me as I’m the president of the city’s evangelical ministerium -100+ on that list. So, yes, he really should have handled this differently. Especially since these pastors lead the larger churches in our city, each of which is loaded with key people in our community.

    And Scott, silliness? Please. You hammer all day long on this blog about issues you care about – today you are hammering on Greed. That’s a moral issue that I care about too. Good for you. I think you are spot on with the Mayor Subprime stuff though many would say that was silliness.

    Pastors were pointing out what happened in Eureka Springs with the 2006 election of new mayor there. Tourism went down 23% the first year they catered to the gay community and alienated the other 90% and that in a year when tourism in AR was up 17%. Add that up and it’s a 40% drop in one year. For ministers in a city to ask a mayoral candidate what “family friendly” means to him is a legitimate question.

    I’ve not said boo about this since the election until today on this comment string so don’t get the impression that this is some major crusade or concern for me. If he’s a good man and a good mayor he’ll go back and try to rebuild the bridge he burned with some clergy in the city.

  19. The gay issue is really a non-entity in this town. Yes, it may be easier for non-straights to live here than in a lot of little podunk towns in this state, but the idea that even if he wanted to Huetther could turn this city into the other “SF” is ridiculous. The vast majority of citizens are still Nascar-loving, Wal-Mart-shopping, corporate rock-listening clems.

  20. redhatterb on June 10, 2010 at 5:26 pm said:

    The Mitchell paper is delivered by mail in SF. I have a friend who gets it that way. I think from the way she talks she gets it the same day, however, her mail is delivered mid to late afternoon. I have never asked her about it, so I’m not sure if she receives it the same day it is published. I can’t ask her right now because she is visiting her kids out in Washington state.

  21. I would bet the first printing is finished well before midnight, so they probably have a deal with the local post office to have them immediately processed.

  22. l3wis on June 10, 2010 at 8:49 pm said:

    Steve- You do have a point about being a ‘family friendly’ city, but I have always thought it was, too much, actually. But, hey that is what makes SF a ‘nice’ place to live.

    Don’t feel neglected though, Huether ignored a lot of different groups and people during the campaign. He cries and whines about all the things that were said about him on the internets, you should have seen the stuff ‘I didn’t say’ This guy has a lot of skeltons in his closet.

  23. Costner on June 11, 2010 at 7:43 am said:

    Steve Hickey: I don’t care if he ignores me but he knows it wasn’t just me as I’m the president of the city’s evangelical ministerium -100+ on that list. So, yes, he really should have handled this differently. Especially since these pastors lead the larger churches in our city, each of which is loaded with key people in our community.

    Considering he won the election with a sizable margin, I’d say he handled things just as he needed to. Perhaps your sense of importance is just a little out of whack.. because in this case it appears you (and your group of self-proclaimed ‘key people’) were a non issue.

    I’d say Mike handled himself properly. If Fred Phelps came knocking I wouldn’t Mike to respond to him either. The man has to draw a line somewhere, so if you are upset on what side of that line you fell upon maybe it is time for a good look in the mirror to understand why.

  24. Plaintiff Guy on June 11, 2010 at 8:05 am said:

    Thanks for info redhatterb. I’ve thought about moving out of Sioux Falls to a suburb. Property taxes are lower and real estate values are holding around but not in the city. Businesses moving in seem to prefer the outskirts.

    Mitchell’s not that far. City government is more progressive and constitutional democracy. It’s nearer the middle of the state and closer to Missouri River recreation. I’d like to see the state fair relocated there. It would be ideal for a major events center. Preferable over Sioux Falls because it could sponsor full state events, land next to I-90 is available/cheaper, and city government is uncorrupted.

  25. redhatterb on June 11, 2010 at 6:42 pm said:

    The city of Mitchell would probably want an event center across from the Corn Palace. lol Actually, I have thought the Corn Palace should be moved someplace to the edge of town where there wouldn’t be such a parking problem. I was thinking along those lines from 1971-1991, when I lived in Mitchell. No offense to Mitchell, it is a nice town.

  26. redhatterb on June 11, 2010 at 6:46 pm said:

    I went to the Daily Republic site and checked the price of a subscription and by carrier or mail, it is cheaper than the Argus. My friend that gets the Mitchell paper here in SF, gets the Argus delivered on Sunday for the ads. My daughter would be ecstatic if we got the Mitchell paper because it would be easier for her to keep track of the high school teams. She graduated from their special ed. program in 1989, and the coaches and atheletes treated her really well, so therefore any Kernel is a hero in her opinion.

  27. redhatterb on June 11, 2010 at 7:52 pm said:

    I have to correct the information in my above post. Considering the Mitchell paper is only a 6 day a week paper, the prices come out about the same.

  28. l3wis on June 11, 2010 at 8:31 pm said:

    They were peddling the AL for $13 a month the other day at Sunshine.

  29. Plaintiff Guy on June 12, 2010 at 8:38 am said:

    I take the Argus on Sunday for weekly news summary and entertainment advertising (TV, movies). Weekdays are always about 24 hours late with news events. The Argus does a better job than KELO. KELOland should move into South Dakota. KSFY does OK but it seems they don’t report anything negative about advertisers and politicians.

    Considering Sioux Falls corruption and debt, Mitchell could be in the right place at the right time. It’s centered with Omaha, Minneapolis, & Denver. It’d be a good location for a regional discount airline hub. There was an interstate highway connector planned between I-90 and I-80 from the Pierre area to North Platte NE. Sioux Falls could some day find itself cutoff.

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