September 2010

Denny Doogard’s latest ad is extremely misleading

Well, I was waiting for this, the SD GOP can’t resist to twist the facts, and in this latest Doogard ad, they went a twistin;


Okay, so let’s get started.

While this number may be true on the surface, it couldn’t be more misleading. Denny isn’t counting the countless that are underemployed, working multiple part-time jobs and not working in their field (like myself) in low skill, low paying jobs. Because hey, if you got a job, any job, you are EMPLOYED! One has to scratch their head when our poverty rate is 4xs our unemployment rate.

I just about spit my vodka tonic on my computer screen when I saw this part of the commercial. Denny fails to tell you this happened after the state pretty much cut education, cut road maintenance, cut social programs then took a big check from the feds. I suppose I could balance my budget if I stopped eating, turned off my heat and lights, dug a hole in the ground and became a hermit.

Yes, but let’s talk about the millions we have lost in those investments. Let’s also talk about why we are letting taxpayer money get moldy in a reserve account when we should either be spending it on the greater good or cutting taxes.

The only people that are well positioned are the rich who keep the little man down in SD by protecting their wealth. Many business men in SD have used the recession as an excuse to not give raises, to cut benefits and vacation, and to overwork employees even though they are not hurting. It is disgusting.

To tell you the truth, I was disappointed that Denny went down this path, but no surprise that he eventually showed his true GOP colors; Yellow, Yellow and Yellow.

Recent Acquisition, Family Heirloom

My grandpa Carl (Mom’s father) was a clock collector. He sold most of his collection but saved his favorite pieces and gave one grandfather clock, one anniversary clock and one cuckoo clock to each of his 3 children. The cuckoo clock has been passed on to me, which I think is great. I was always fascinated by the piece as a child and am glad to have it. Not sure how old it is, but after inspection, I can guarantee it was hand carved.

You think my blog is nasty? This guy kicks my ass (H/T – Hos)

Bigot of the week, Andrew Shirvell thinks it is okay to call homosexuals liars and racists. Okay, that’s fine, he is protected by the 1st Amendment, but that is not the newsflash here, he works as the assistant Attorney General in Michigan. Yeah, that’s right, his paycheck comes from taxpayers . . . nice. I’m surprised SD AG Jackboots hasn’t hired him yet.

I love his crazy eyes in the video interview. This guy should be in horror films not law.

Transcript of Kermit’s speech at the IM 13 rally last Monday (H/T – DC)

Photo; Derek Cecil

“There are a number of things I want you to be aware of in my presentation. I want you to be aware that I do not smoke, and I do not have the desire to smoke. I do not drink alcoholic beverages, and I do not desire to drink alcoholic beverages. I’ve never smoked marijuana, and I have no desire to smoke marijuana. I’ve never taken illegal drugs, and I have no desire to take illegal drugs. The reason I am at this rally for Initiative 13 is for very personal reasons. I’m not here for abstract reasons. I’m not here for theoretical reasons. I’m here for very personal reasons, and that very personal reason is I have somebody who is very close to me who suffers from constant pain. This has been going on for six years. Each day, this person is in pain. Each hour, this person is in pain. Each minute, this person is in pain. And, of course, each second of every day, this person is in pain. Now, for those of you who have other people here you’re aware of that’s in pain, you probably realize that pain can really wear a person down. Really wear a person down. In fact, this person is probably (sic) disabled. Now, I should also mention too that this person takes prescription drugs and that one of the drugs is a narcotic. A prescribed, legal drug. And also many other drugs to try and recover from the pain. So, the question has to arise; If this person is already taking heavy duty, heavy duty, heavy duty prescription drugs, what is wrong with this person being allowed to try marijuana to see if it can provide some relief? Now, as a matter of fact today I was talking to an opponent of Initiative 13 and I told this individual this very personal story of mine and this individual responded kind of interestingly. This person said “Well, if I was in the shoes of that person and suffering all this pain, you know what I would do? I’d just go ahead and smoke marijuana illegally anyway.” Well, this person I know that is suffering in pain is not about to break the law. No way. But this person hopes the law can be changed with Initiative 13. And so, in conclusion, I would like to thank all of you for being here today to possibly make this happen. Thank you, again.” – Dr. Kermit Staggers