Denny Doogard’s latest ad is extremely misleading
Well, I was waiting for this, the SD GOP can’t resist to twist the facts, and in this latest Doogard ad, they went a twistin;
Okay, so let’s get started.
While this number may be true on the surface, it couldn’t be more misleading. Denny isn’t counting the countless that are underemployed, working multiple part-time jobs and not working in their field (like myself) in low skill, low paying jobs. Because hey, if you got a job, any job, you are EMPLOYED! One has to scratch their head when our poverty rate is 4xs our unemployment rate.
I just about spit my vodka tonic on my computer screen when I saw this part of the commercial. Denny fails to tell you this happened after the state pretty much cut education, cut road maintenance, cut social programs then took a big check from the feds. I suppose I could balance my budget if I stopped eating, turned off my heat and lights, dug a hole in the ground and became a hermit.
Yes, but let’s talk about the millions we have lost in those investments. Let’s also talk about why we are letting taxpayer money get moldy in a reserve account when we should either be spending it on the greater good or cutting taxes.
The only people that are well positioned are the rich who keep the little man down in SD by protecting their wealth. Many business men in SD have used the recession as an excuse to not give raises, to cut benefits and vacation, and to overwork employees even though they are not hurting. It is disgusting.
To tell you the truth, I was disappointed that Denny went down this path, but no surprise that he eventually showed his true GOP colors; Yellow, Yellow and Yellow.