“Sorry, ran out of money, your street won’t get plowed.”
Am I the only one that thinks this Stormland TV News story is completely pointless? I don’t know how stories like this get past producers? Don’t get me wrong, this probably isn’t the worst story, but it seems anytime they let Katie out of the studio to do something on her own, she has some silly story, about an issue that does not exist;
SIOUX FALLS, SD – The storm has the potential to put the city of Sioux Falls’ snow removal budget over the top. There’s a magic snowfall amount the city is hoping for to keep the finances in order, going into 2011. There’s only enough money left in the budget to cover 11 inches of snow.
What bothers me even more is that public officials would even respond. While I probably don’t hold the highest regard for Mark and Mike, I would at least think they would be smart enough to say,
“Who really cares? Taxes pay for snow removal, they will be cleaned. Doesn’t matter what flipping year it is.”
Cotter says this storm could be interesting, depending on when the snow falls. If it continues through Friday night, some of the removal costs could be billed to next year’s budget.
“There may be a split on this storm if some of it’s in 2010 and some may be in 2011,” said Cotter.
Some of it? How about ALL OF IT! It’s a freaking holiday, who cares when it is billed? Do the contracted snowplows have taxi meters that expect payment in real time? Or better yet, take the money from the Events-Center-Monkey-Crapper-Junior-Football-Ski-Bunny-Hill fund.
Just ridiculous.
BTW, where were the sand trucks throughout the day as the rain was falling? I was running errands most of the day, and saw a grand total of one. Everybody knew that the temps were going to drop from 38 to below freezing.
What a cornball story. Like the city won’t plow streets if the budget runs out? That’s like saying, “I’ll stop wiping my ass if I can’t afford TP.”
What do you expect? It’s KELOLAND. The least they can do is always blow these storms out of proportion and have it be their entire newscast. It’s exactly the reason I hate our local media. Then they let the City Government get by with anything. Where are the tough questions? Where are the true answers that the people need? Cornball Story X100000.
And what professional news organization names their stories “City Crews Prepare for Snow Year’s Eve”. The media here is exactly why a lot of people have the “small town” mindset.
The plowtards were out yesterday morning clearing the ice and an all too familiar cement like mixture up to the curbs. One of them pushed right around my corner, pushing 2 feet of slush across my sidewalk access. by the time I got off work it was solid fucking ice. They bitch about not having the budget for anything over 11″, why in THE FUCK are they out in the rain pushing ice around before the storm? I’m sure someone has a great reason, I wish they’d tell me.
KELO reports junk because they can’t recognize real news and worship city administration like a cult. Notice the snow gate plow. Must be the front of a city nazi party member’s house.
I just found out that commenting on KELO’s site automatically posts the article and your comment on Facebook. This could be fun for me.
The city is experiencing isolated pooling of water on streets because rain received today.
City crews are working to remedy the worst of these problem areas.
Residents are encouraged to assist by clearing snow and ice from the inlets in front of their property.
Sorry Angry Guy- Angry for nothing. Find something new to be angry with Lewis’ man Mike.
Come shovel my sidewalk concrete pile in the rain, and maybe you can say I’m angry for nothing. Until then, kindly GFY. They plowed that shit two feet deep on the ‘inlet’ at 9 in the fucking morning. If they wanted my help clearing that shit, they should have waited until the afternoon. So now they can go fuck themselves. And Fuck all those other stupid assholes living downhill from my city-blocked sewer inlet. Not my fault if their street floods because the city decided to screw over it’s residents.
Angry Guy rules!
This is what I can’t figure out. These guys are getting paid good union wages to plow our streets properly, on top of that they get good overtime, and today and tomorrow probably really good pay (I’ve heard over $40 an hour). They also are using very good equipment on the taxpayer’s dime. Do the job right or please find other employment.
Congrats to the Snow Removal Department!!! Since we only received 4 inches of snow, they ended the year under budget! Whew! I was so worried that I wouldn’t have a pile of ice to shovel today. So what happens to that extra money?
6 to 12 more studies on an Events Center.
I was thinking about that the other day, the city is always bitching about spending money on a special election. We could have had ten special elections by now on the Events Center.