The GOP wants to stop military pay over free condoms. Well, kinda.

I will admit, I haven’t really paid much attention to this until yesterday. Our MSM is so freaking awful, that I often ignore there cackling of crisis until the last minute. Disaster will ultimately be averted and either the Dems or the Repugs will come out the heros. But what shocks me is what the argument is all about;

Instead, the major obstacle was Republican insistence on including provisions that would strip Planned Parenthood funding and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, he said.

That’s right kids, the GOP wants to shut down most of the federal government because they are upset PP gives out free condoms and the the EPA believes in global warming.

They got their way with ACORN, it’s time to put an end to the insanity. If the GOP wanted to reign in spending on the Pentagon, Medicare and Social Security (our biggest budgetary expenditures), I might understand there stance. But providing affordable healthcare to women and protecting our environment (both of which take very little of our total budget) as excuses to shut down government seem as weak arguments. Don’t agree with abortion? Get Roe vs. Wade overturned. Abortion is legal in our country. Don’t believe in global warming? Fine. Give us scientific proof it doesn’t exist. Otherwise STFU!

20 Thoughts on “So the GOP is going to shut down government over abortion and global warming?

  1. John2 on April 8, 2011 at 8:17 am said:

    Generally the republicants are morally bankrupt and evil. What other excuse is there for NOem and Thune to shut down the SD tourism industry, stop SD farmer welfare, and flood damage assistance?

    On the other hand the democans are incompetent. Reid, Pelosi, and Obama should have done this budget last fall but they were too worried about getting wiped out in an election – that worked well, not.

    To hell with them all. It’s probably time to scrap them all and just start anew.

  2. rufusx on April 8, 2011 at 10:45 am said:

    FYI Lewis, SS and Medicare are self-funded – with theoir own dedicated taxes. Neither adds to the “budget” deficit. If you’ve been looking at charts and graphs and such that INCLUDE SS and Medicare as part of the explanation of the “problems” with out debt. You’ve been looking at distorted propaganda designed to influence you against those two programs. ALL of our current deficit spending is due to three things – Bush’s military adventurism, Bush’s financial bailouts and Bush’s tax cuts. Those factors ALONE created our current deficit.

  3. rufusx on April 8, 2011 at 10:47 am said:

    As to who’s to blame about not getting the budget done already – remember, the SENATE REPUBLICANS filibuster over 400 bills in the last two years. More than ALL other filibusters in the entire history of the nation. The House passed a lot of legislation that the Repubs simply refused to allow to be considered in the Senate.

  4. Scooter on April 8, 2011 at 11:39 am said:

    I am sick of all the bull crap, and wish with fawn gratitude to all the stupid sheep who follow the Republicorp and Teabag propaganda without background research or even common sense.

    If you want nothing more than for you and your children to be servants to the wealthy, keep voting Republicorp!

    There is very few true Republicans and Democrats left. Most of the politicians have been polarized to the extremes and very self serving. I am upset that President Obama has not called out the lies like he said he would during the election.

    Grow a back bone Mr. President and put on the gloves. It’s time to take names and cause some black eyes! The same goes for any good members of Congress that might be left…

  5. l3wis on April 8, 2011 at 12:06 pm said:

    ruf – I know Medicare and SS are self funded, but tell that to the idiot Repug followers. You are right, our illegal wars have cost us dearly, but all we can worry about is free condoms.

  6. Wow if you were writing lines for the dems you could defeat the GOP. Unfortunately the D’s in charge are willing to take this country off a cliff themselves.

  7. l3wis on April 8, 2011 at 11:03 pm said:

    mike – I would agree. The Dems need to put their gigantic pussies in a secure place for a rainy day, and whip out their nutsacks and tell the Repugs TGFT! What’s with ‘making a deal’ all the time. The President is a Dem and one of the houses is controlled by the Dems. Fuck deals.

  8. Helga on April 9, 2011 at 2:45 am said:

    “Generally the republicants are morally bankrupt and evil.” I would change only one word of this sentence, generally should be ALWAYS. And rufusx is absolutely right. Snooki doesn’t know or understand any of that nor does she and her teabagger buddies realize they control nothing, they number about 60 plus or minus. They are part of the House and the dems still have the White House and the Senate. Now the dems need to do what Lewis said, or in kinder words…get a backbone.

  9. Oh look this argument again! When will you fools get it? The GOP and DNC are not for you, they are for their respective agendas. BOTH parties are beholden to corporate interests, simply look at donations from the last presidential race and as one example Obamas hope to spend 1 billion dollars for this next campaign! Who is at fault for the failure to agree on a budget, the politicians and us, for not taking enough of an interest and looking at who we vote for and simply listening to our respective media garbage. This partisan divide is what media and politicians want, because it distracts from what is really going on, the US people are being slowly bent over and fucked hard while sitting on their ass watching Jersey Shore and shopping for new SUVs. If you really want to change things quit crying about this Dem or that Repub and do something to add a little ray of sunshine in your neighborhood. Oh yeah, the whole teaparty thing, in case you missed it it really was regular folks……for about 15 minutes and then it was co-opted by the media/political/military interests (just look at who seems to be getting nominated).
    *rant off*

  10. I don’t think anybody here disagrees with you, Jim.

  11. l3wis on April 9, 2011 at 10:34 pm said:

    Scott is right Jim, I’m an independent and have no love for either party. But what frustrates me is that when Repugs are in control, there are no deals, and they steamroll the Dems, but when Dems are in control they feel as though they must ‘cut a deal’

  12. concern liberal on April 9, 2011 at 11:49 pm said:

    There is an absence of economic liberalism within the Democratic Party. Parties leaders give lip service to such ideas, but a vast majority of the leaders in the modern Democratic Party come from the social liberal fabric of the Democratic Party and do not have the historic memory, the “fire in their belly” or compassion to fight for true economic justice and set a stage for an authentic liberal economic agenda. The way Democrats folded on the public option issue during the health care debate is evidence one of this. The late Senator Paul Wellstone said it best some fifteen plus years ago, when
    he stated that the “soul of the Democratic Party had been died.”

    Although I was raised with great admiration for the Kennedy and McGovern wing of the Democratic Party,
    and did not have much time to appreciate Hubert Humphrey primarily because of his association with LBJ and Vietnam. I have developed a new appreciation and revisionist attitude for the politics of HHH. HHH had dual liberal political credentials from both the social and economic wings of the Demcratic Party. He championed
    the placing of a civil rights plank to the 1948 Democratic National Platform, while also being known for participating in the enactment of the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, Medicaid, and

    The Democratic party, and thus, America could use a “Happy Warrior” right now!

  13. concern liberal on April 9, 2011 at 11:50 pm said:

    There is an absence of economic liberalism within the Democratic Party. Parties leaders give lip service to such ideas, but a vast majority of the leaders in the modern Democratic Party come from the social liberal fabric of the Democratic Party and do not have the historic memory, the “fire in their belly” or compassion to fight for true economic justice and set a stage for an authentic liberal economic agenda. The way Democrats folded on the public option issue during the health care debate is evidence one of this. The late Senator Paul Wellstone said it best some fifteen plus years ago, when
    he stated that the “soul of the Democratic Party had died.”

    Although I was raised with great admiration for the Kennedy and McGovern wing of the Democratic Party,
    and did not have much time to appreciate Hubert Humphrey primarily because of his association with LBJ and Vietnam. I have developed a new appreciation and revisionist attitude for the politics of HHH. HHH had dual liberal political credentials from both the social and economic wings of the Demcratic Party. He championed
    the placing of a civil rights plank to the 1948 Democratic National Platform, while also being known for participating in the enactment of the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, Medicaid, and

    The Democratic party, and thus, America could use a “Happy Warrior” right now!

  14. Let’s face it the GOP base would like Noem to not be such a sell out to GOP establishment like she is. Basically she is Boehner and Cantors little yes girl hoping she can climb the ladder faster…

    The Dem base wishes SHS wasn’t always trying to pander to the political fence and hope she would actually fight for something… other than her elections.

    Basically Noem and SHS are much similar than either would like to think.

  15. …They only care about getting elected and gaining power. Very sad.

  16. Randall on April 10, 2011 at 11:23 am said:

    I wish there were a Democrat to vote for.

    And I DON’T mean Steffi – she’s Republican Lite.

    NO – no Blue Dogs – I mean a true Democrat that stands squarely for progressive ideals.

  17. Randall, that is what I think many would like for all parties; elected representatives actually doing what their respective parties are supposed to stand for.

    As far as steamrolling….do we need to go there? Nobody is innocent in this debacle.

  18. Oh but you do have a love for the Dems l3wis, don’t kid yourself or us about being independent. You are just as bad with the name calling as most Dems are. Keep up the good work , you’re a fine liberal!

  19. l3wis on April 12, 2011 at 4:16 pm said:

    NPO – Thank you for the compliment 🙂

  20. your are welcome buddy (smiley face)

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