9 Thoughts on “Embarrassing

  1. Lemming on October 20, 2011 at 1:52 am said:

    She sounded drunker than a ‘shithouse’ rat or she took one too many Xanax before she hit the stage…the “Governor of Massatoooo-shits” before she gave him the one drunken peck on the cheek was really quite sad. She was almost as hard to understand as De Knudson!

  2. Barb Stork is the wife of Ken Stork, head of Citibank South Dakota.

    You probably saw yesterday that CB was fined 285 million for their role in the housing debacle. Looks like the drinking probably started in the morning.


  3. Alice15 on October 20, 2011 at 3:20 pm said:

    The whole script was embarrassing. If I were the Storks – I would have never agreed to do the cell phone bit, the Barb & Ken bit, etc. You have a room full of people that just dropped $75/ticket – which is a lot for a lot of people. And then – the script omitted the Mayor – which was a little karma in itself since he is a media hound these days – but seriously – you have the Mayor and the Governor sitting together and you forget one of them? Obviously not Barb’s fault – but just one more comical part of the evening.

  4. Analog Tape on October 20, 2011 at 6:04 pm said:

    The whole outline for the snake called Citibank can be found in many books, some dating back to before WWII but I found a link if anyone wants to see the purpose of it’s founding http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FedReserve&E=Citibank

    The spares on stage (Spares – totally worthless or insignificant individual), I couldn’t even laugh. That was pitiful. That woman was rude and you’re right – had to be on Xanax or something. I think they could do more with her hair at Supercuts.

    As for Romney – being at a event sponored by this banking whore is pretty tacky.
    On Romney’s behalf I wonder what he must have been thinking about this lame and ultra cheezy intro?

    I like how his public/private “private” sector example was a prison. He forgot to mention that this new breed of corporate prisons have erupted across America, we have become the leader in prison population. It’s now a profitable business so we’ll see more and more go to jail for victimless crimes.

    Of course Mitt Romney is the owner of Clear Channel so he can control much of the information your neighbors use making these things sound glorious!

  5. Corn – nice posting, but as a rule, never post a link to another Toby Keith song on here ever again. A hate the sonobitch.

  6. Alice15 on October 20, 2011 at 10:20 pm said:

    I thought it was pretty funny and analogy. Cheers!

  7. Alice15….

    You mentioned that the Mayor was not mentioned in the script. Does anyone really believe that this was “accidental”?

    Mike has made some powerful political enemies….

    Remember the guy who was thrown out of Carnegie just after his wife, Debra Owen had been fired………

    hmmm……David Owen, Executive Director of South Dakota Chamber of Commerce!!

    …..that just might have something to do with Mike not being acknowledged!!!!!

  8. I am going to go out on limb and say this, while I disagree with the Chamber of Commerce’s National, State and Local philosophies, I don’t think David is a weasel or a worm. The one time I met him, we disagreed on some things, but I think he was honest about it. And while he collects his paycheck from a bullshit business front group, I think the guy is pretty honest, personally.

    And hey, if we can throw Mike under the bus, why not?

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