Been awhile since I have seen my old hippie friend Matt, I see he is getting better at playing the geetar


Here is an awesome cover of one of Matt’s songs, ‘Lakota Sioux’


5 Thoughts on “Music club w/ Matt Fockler

  1. Byrd is a fantastic singer and player, I like this one;

  2. Randall on November 30, 2011 at 4:56 pm said:

    That guy did a GREAT job doing a GREAT SONG!
    I was blown away.

    If a nationally known CW start like a Tim McGraw or somebody did that song – it would be a giant hit.

    By the same token – if that guy could get on a national TV show and do that song – HE would be the next Tim McGraw.

    Great song.

    Thank you – made my day.

  3. Randall on November 30, 2011 at 4:57 pm said:

    “star” …not “start”

    Wish we could edit…

  4. I contacted Byrd and gave him some club info in the area. He said he plays MPLS once in a blue moon, maybe he will come on thru.

    I agree, he is a fantastic singer, songwriter. He reminds a lot of Robbie Fulks who I absolutely love.

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