You mean I can’t have my cake and eat it to?
First the facts. David Rose is running in the June Republican primary for House in District 14 (against Shawn Tornow, Anne Hajek & Larry Z.)
De Knudson is running for the At-Large SF City Council seat (against Dr. Kermit Staggers and Cory Buttemeir).
David currently is the Chair of the Minnehaha County Republican Party and De sits on the Charter Revision Commission for the city.
Is it me who find a whole heap of trouble with the current candidates? De Knudson? Really? All your doing is to prevent Staggers from winning a seat then you’ll resign within a few months to have some hand-picked larky be picked by the mayor, much as he did with Karskay and Entenamnn.
Please…we can see through these superficial potholes you’re throwing us. And heaven’s forbid you should miss your favorite TV episodes while being in a debate on the floor of the council. I understand HOW HARD THAT MUST BE FOR YOU.
Last time I checked you were caught watching TV during debate meetings. Do you deny that? If not, I think a qualified candidate is much more in line to take this seat as opposed to someone who holds an old grudge.
It’s time for the young, progressive people to take this council…and by god we’re going to do it.
All young, professional, people rise and let’s take back this city that has been (personal interjection here) screwed into the ground.
I would agree. But I think a lot of young professionals were turned off by the toxic nature of the current council and mayor. Would you want to serve with him? Think about it, this new council will have to be responsible for the spending and building of an Events Center. I wouldn’t want my John Hancock on there. I think Kermit’s two year break from the council has put a new fire in his belly, and I think he is raring to go. It will be nice to have someone on the council that knows WTF they are talking about.
MMM won’t pick a replacement on the Council. Three members of the council do.
Andy – ‘Technically’ you are correct. But ‘technically’ Mike had nothing to do with Owen’s firing either 🙂
Will the argus or any tv station pick up on this and do a story?
Conflicts of interest wouldn’t ACTUALLY arise until after they’d be elected. THEN they should resign. It’s kinda like applying for any new job. Best to keep the old one until AFTER you’ve signed the contract for the new one.
I have often believed that if you are running for office you should have the confidence you are going to win. And if David and De have confidence they are going to win, what is the harm in resigning early?
If Rose has a conflict then what about the party’s vice chair, Lora Hubbel? She is already serving in the state legislature – District 11.
It’s a matter of what you think is a ‘conflict of interest’. I guess I look for politicians who have integrity. If David and De have integrity they would resign their posts.