I had to chuckle when I saw this. While Stormland-TV railed about online commenters, The Argue Endorser’s own sports reporter doesn’t have a problem with tweeting sexist remarks. Is it funny? Kinda. But silly, just like Stu Whitney. Hey, Stu, 1982 called, they want their haircut back.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Speaking of rude comments online”
  1. It is actually a bit funny, but it isn’t something a reporter should be saying.

    A comedian yes… reporter no. Then again assigning the label of “reporter” to Stu Whitney is probably being a bit generous, so I’ll give him a pass on this one.

  2. I do not find it funny, but degrading. I grew up in a very sexist time and have been happy most people stop and think before they say things like this.

  3. “It’s now very common to hear people say ‘I’m rather offended by that’ as if that gives them certain rights; it’s actually nothing more… it’s simply a whine. It’s no more than a whine. ‘I find that offensive,’ it has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. ‘I am offended by that,’ well so fucking what?” -Stephen Fry

  4. Craig, I kinda chuckle, becuz you and I don’t agree on many things, but I am in your corner on this one. While Stu’s comments were sexist, they were also kinda childish and stupid. I only take offense to ‘sharp wit’ slow or dull wit like Stu’s only wants me to feel sorry for him.

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