Image Credit: Jamison’s FB page

Gee, I thought I was becoming a vegetarian, heck bordering on vegan when it came to the mayoral race. Trust me, Jamison has been warned by many to ‘not go negative’ on Huether. But I believe Greg is only speaking ‘the truth’ when it comes to our mayor;

“Here’s what happens when a politician’s ego enters the room before he does,” Jamison said. “The focus of a good policy discussion turns quickly to, ‘How fast can I hold a press conference to announce it? Will the media show up? What should I wear? Will my hair be OK? I get mad when the media doesn’t cover it.’”

There is something I have known a very, very, very long time about MMM, he’s not modest, he’s not humble, and he certainly struggles with the truth. Don’t believe me, just read this email he sent Monty;

“As long as I have the honor to serve the people, I will focus on the positive in life and also get things done,” Huether wrote.

Trust me, MMM is not the first politician to invoke ‘positivity’ versus, ‘the truth’ often people, let’s say Greg Jamison in this particular case, are considered, ‘negative’ or ‘controversial’ because they may reveal the ‘truth’ about a particular issue or politician.

So was Greg being ‘negative’ in reference to our honorable mayor? Yes he was. But some times the truth isn’t always positive. Sorry Sioux Falls.

*BTW, I am still digesting some other red meat on our mayor and the promises he is making about an indoor pool, update coming soon.

UPDATE: There is a lot more to Jamison’s speech then just a couple of stabs at MMM.



By l3wis

25 thoughts on “UPDATED: Finally, some red meat in the mayoral race!”
  1. The GOP in South Dakota have already handed this race to Huether, because they are blatantly attempting to turn the 2014 Sioux Falls Mayoral race into a partisan race as evident by this specifically invited speaker to a Lincoln Day Dinner.

    Sure, Huether played the partisan card in 2010, but he did it in a stealth way. It was Staggers who made the issue public. The one who publicly makes a nonpartisan race partisan is the one who usually suffers the wrath of the voters. No Lincoln Day Dinner jabs are going to erase the memory of the “Operation Timber Strike” and its timeliness, competence, and completeness. The race of the 2014 Sioux Falls Mayoral race is already over thanks to that reality alone. The fact that Jamison has been invited to speak at a Lincoln Day Dinner in Lincoln County, the land of the “Born-Again Walmart Haters,” is only further proof of the Huether political legitimacy and viability and the GOP’s concern over the potential political success of Huether in South Dakota beyond the Mayor’s seat.

    In my opinion, Jamison is being used by the GOP, but he apparently does not know it or his family’s obsession with the Sioux Falls Mayoral office overrides this concern.

  2. Like I said about Huether’s popularity today, “Great car salesman sell a lot of cars, go figure.” You are right, Jamison is toast unless he can show the SF voting public that Mike is simply a salesman. He sold us the EC, road improvements we did not need, a river greenway, tifs, WM, indoor tennis, hockey, pools, Sanford sports complex. Jamison needs to find the key to expose MMM as nothing but a door-to-door salesman, and he can beat him. But Greg also needs to go door to door. Staggers and Huether came out on top, because they knocked on doors, period.

  3. The problem with trying to defeat Huether is that to the degree his favorable 2010 constituency has changed, it has changed in a favorable manner to him. What I mean is that he may not be as popular in the southern part of Sioux Falls compared to 2010, because of the Walmart controversy, but he makes up for this because I think he has made inroads with the core city Staggers voter merely because of “Operation Timber Strike.”

    Also, the Staggers voter, especially those in the core city are a consistent voter in terms of showing-up (and that is primarily why Staggers beat Knudson, plus Knudson never emulated Huether’s 2010 get-out-the-vote drive) and that fact along gives Huether the edge even in a close race with Jamison.

    Now, does that mean if it was a re-match of Huether versus Staggers in 2014, that Staggers would win? I would say no, because unlike Jamison, Staggers has an image problem with upper middle income voters who are primarily located in the southern part of town (Huether’s new vulnerability) and Staggers would also lose some of his core city support do to the success of the “OTS” program, which would be credited to Huether.

    That said, I think that only Gary Hanson could give Huether a run for his money, but there is no guarantee there either for the SD GOP.

  4. I am still hoping Hildy will run. If for nothing else, he would do this community a favor in exposing the border line (at best) unethical practices of Huether which in my mind, everyone should be aware of. Believe me, I have heard more than once from past Huether supporters – “I can’t believe I wrote that guy a check.”

  5. I would agree that Huether not only has his enemies, but has also acquired new ones by alienating past allies, especially a lot of good Democrats. But, I remember back in the 1980s, when privately a lot of Republicans did not like Janklow either, but there was nothing they could do about it, and I think Huether is in this same category.

    Both Janklow and Huether had or have a track record of getting things done, whether you agree with their policies and practices or not; and the average voter notices this first and foremost. The average voter unfortunately tends to favor the one, especially if they are an incumbent, who “keeps the trains on time.”

  6. This race will have nothing to do with the (D) or an (R) behind the name. I’m a registered dem and will hope for a Jamison win. MMM is DINO. Most here know his roots. Marketing director for one of the most notorious fee harvesting schemes ever dreamed up.

    Problem is, his marketing skills will not come to light til his promises of a chicken in every pot prove to be wrong….for so many SF voters. He may win this one based on his false promises, but not the next one. That’s when his snake oil will run its course.

  7. “his promises of a chicken in every pot”

    Love old skool cliche’s, but I bet MMM has no idea what that means, he is too busy hanging out at Friendship Baptist Church holding black babies and telling minorities to work harder.

  8. You’re criticism of Mike Huether is nothing more than a bunch of short-sighted, speculative, and psuedo-intellectual BS.

    But I’m so excited to know that the potential Jamison Administration will lack press conferences, decent haircuts, and professional dress.

    That’s EXACTLY what I’m looking for in a mayor!…

    ….Also, I have read your blog for quite awhile. I just wanted to let you know that “then” and “than” are two completely different words.

  9. Oh, I don’t speculate ‘shit’ since I grew up on a hog and sheep farm. ‘Speculating’ only made it pile up. I scooped it and removed it. I kinda do that here, I consider myself the ‘manure spreader’ or ‘honey wagon’ of the mayor’s office. It’s great you love Mike, maybe you can lick his robotic arm while he invites you for a kayak ride on his private lake home on a slueth. Probably spelled that wrong like tin and tug and too. Sorry.

  10. poo, poo, poo. Jamison is in the advertising industry, as am I. I have done work for people I don’t agree with ‘politically’, but I also don’t donate money to their causes, I charge them for a service. It’s like saying the clerk at the C-Store supports mideast terrorism because he sells the gasoline that funds them.

    Nice stretch, nice try, fail.

  11. Damn, I made a ridiculous argument on SouthDaCola…It must be the first time something like that was found on this blog!

  12. MMM said the city was recently named one of the top places to retire in the country, partly because businesses are hiring older workers.

    That’s from today’s argus. The front page scoop is titled

    Job prospects solid for S.F. Seniors.

    What the snake oil salesman and the argus fail to tell us is WHY are there so many jobs like this. Because they are all part time, low pay, no benefit jobs. Great for seniors looking for a little beer money…very little. But not so much for actually putting food on the table.

  13. I hope Sioux Fallsian will continue to engage on southdacola right up to the election in April 2014 because there are plenty of Mike’s shenanigans* to “educate” the voting public about!

    *tricky or questionable practices or conduct

    Stay tuned…….

  14. These are not seniors “looking for beer money” in most cases. Once you hit a certain age most people do not look at you as someone who they want to hire for a meaningful job.

    In most cases many have to take early social security (62 1/2) just to eke out a living.
    One can only make $13-15K a year without being penalized by the SSA.

  15. SF – Those videos were funny. Not sure if Greg doesn’t do work for DLC anymore, it seems him and I had a convo about that. But the bigger question would be, since Greg used himself as an actor in his client’s video, if he will use an actor in his TV commercials for mayor 🙂

  16. Once you hit a certain age most people do not look at you as someone who they want to hire for a meaningful job.

    That’s age discrimination. There are hundreds of jobs like this in SF. Less than 30 hours a week to skirt healthcare, and poverty level salary with no benefits. There are about 400 city employees who fall under this guise. None of em make more than 14 grand a year.

    Just as an FYI. That SS limit is $15,120. And you are not penalized, just delayed in getting your earned income. Minimum age is also 62.

  17. Still think this is Huether’s to lose but it’s nice to see Jamison take the kid gloves off a bit. There’s not a lot of differentiation in their records, so he has to draw contrasts, and trying to make someone unlikeable is a time-honored strategy. The attacked party will claim it’s negative but like you pointed out, sometimes the truth isn’t positive.

    If I’m Jamison, I keep throwing these punches and see if I can bait Huether into responding. And what are the odds that Huether can not respond for six months? You know better than anyone how he’s often averse to criticism…

  18. If we don’t like ALEC or the South Dakota GOP, then (I hope it’s not “than”) why should we accept or trust their choice for mayor of Sioux Falls?

    It appears to me that this is a classic “lesser of two evils”
    choice. If you obsess on Huether, than (then?) you will probably back Jamison, but if you are concerned about ALEC, the dominance of the GOP in South Dakota politics, and want an end to a 40 year monopoly of the State Governor’s seat by the GOP, then (than?) maybe you should support Huether and protect his political future.

    If you defeat Jamison with Huether, the TIFs will continue, the developers will still be here, and the Sanford influence will not go away. If you support Huether, you then (than?)
    promote the opportunity for an alternative to the SD GOP and the potential promotion of a vibrant two-party system in this state.

    I hate to make this analogy. I know it is unfair to all to make comparisons invoking the Germans and World War II when ever you talk about politics, but there are those times in politics when you must ally yourself with “Uncle Joe,” that is if you want to defeat Adolf….. It is pure pragmatism…. and I think the South Dakota GOP is more of a problem then (than?) Huether, and the fact they are trying to directly influence our local mayoral race only further proves this heighten concern.

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