Okay, let’s look at the Parks and Rec agenda. Oh, nothing there.

So what is going on at TODAY’s Park board? Seems the indoor and outdoor pool plans have been completed and are being presented to the Park Board today at their meeting, and then to the council at the February 4th work session.

How do I know this? It was told to me by a city official. But what is troubling is why there is NO public announcement of the meeting today.


26 Thoughts on “It’s a pool party, but you are not invited

  1. pathloss on January 21, 2014 at 8:56 am said:

    Are we going to be invited to vote or is this another ballot for dead people. To this day, I’ve not encountered a single person who voted for the Events Center. I think Mike is a ventriloquist speaking for us and we’re just dummies.

  2. rufusx on January 21, 2014 at 9:13 am said:

    Typically only action items should be on an agenda. There being no agenda means no action can be taken.

  3. BTW, the meeting is at 4 PM at the Zoo.

    Ruf- Some kind of action has to be taken. This is the Parks Board’s last official meeting in January before the City Council work session in February, and unless they are just ‘looking’ at the plans before they allow the council to have a ‘look’ I would think the board has to vote on whether to show the plans to the council.

  4. According to South Dakota’s Open Meetings Law:


    SDCL 1 25 1.1 requires that all public bodies prominently
    post a notice and copy of the proposed agenda at the
    public body’s principal office at least 24 hours PRIOR to
    the meeting. At a minimum, the agenda must be visible,
    readable, and accessible to the public for the full 24 hours immediately preceding the meeting (i.e. posted in a window facing outward). Also, the notice must be posted on the public body’s website upon dissemination of the notice, if the public body has its own website. For special or rescheduled meetings, public bodies must comply with the regular meeting notice requirements as much as circumstances permit. The notice must be delivered in person, by mail, by email, or by telephone to all local news media who have asked to be notified. It is good practice for local media to renew requests for notification annually to remind the entity of ongoing media interest.

  5. Apparently they postponed the meeting then gave the drawings to the Argus. 2 outdoor drawings and 7 indoor. Seems fair.


  6. CR, I think you scared them.

  7. Funny how they want these drawings out there to ‘educate’ the public before the vote, but are secretive about their meetings. I guess they want to ‘educate’ us on their terms.

  8. So was a picture/pictures worth $47,000?

  9. Imformed Voter on January 21, 2014 at 6:57 pm said:

    Those plans were released to excite and refocus the media on the 2 aquatic possibilities rather than the erupting embarrassment of the secret scheduled meeting which would have violated the state’s open meeting laws. The early release of the plans before the city council was allowed to view those plans was a diversionary tactic to cover their tracks. Too bad the media is not more alert and questioning. You would think they might begin to wise up in the near future!

  10. If only they were more concerned about Paratransit services instead of all these sport deals. How many buses and bus drivers could be bought with the cost of an indoor pool, to build it and maintain it?

  11. I kept trying to find the swim up bar or tiki lounge in the drawings, but couldn’t find them.

  12. Ol'Bubbleguts on January 22, 2014 at 5:55 am said:

    Boil some rope and hang them from lampposts
    heads on pikes will do as a substitution.
    8 council members?I thought 5 where I came from was overkill and they get paid way better here for a PT job.

    When can us people have a breakfast meeting without a council or FBI cointel pro informant present?


  13. Ol'Bubbleguts on January 22, 2014 at 6:02 am said:

    Appear and fade away

    If they open these pools they will find a bunch of
    corn fed fatties have sunk to the bottom.
    it’s just


  14. Ol'Bubbleguts on January 22, 2014 at 6:07 am said:

    Scrubbing the site?
    What happened to the our 79% interest
    douchebag mike


  15. pathloss on January 22, 2014 at 8:43 am said:

    There’s that inactive rock quarry at I-29 & Madison. Could have put a cover over it and it would have been a good EC, pool, & tennis center combined.

  16. pathloss on January 22, 2014 at 8:48 am said:

    I hear the deflated MSP metrodome roof is available for free. Ok, my thinking is the pits.

  17. Interesting how the argus chose to portray this on the front page. Keep in mind these are concept drawings subject to change. Does not look much like the last study we paid for does it.


  18. I saw in the AL today, Director Kornkernal admitted that they postponed the meeting because of the open meeting law violation, but why do they care? They still leaked the story to the media.

    I also found it disappointing that during the 100 Eyes Show I had to post the state law stating meetings must be posted on government websites, and Lalley didn’t think that was the case, until he read the law. It makes me scratch my head when the AL and Lalley piss and moan about transparency in government and don’t even know the current laws on the books for keeping that government transparent. It took a citizen advocate emailing Kornkernal the state law and warning of a complaint that got the Parks Board meeting postponed. Where was the AL and the other media? They were busy posting pretty pictures and doing BS interviews about how an indoor pool will generate business (that one made me laugh).

  19. saw the story on kelo last night that park ridge business owners think more people will come in to get their shoes fixed, or old man haircuts if the indoor pool is built. the latter may be true, as all the old men will go to the barber shop to bitch, thus increasing business.

  20. I do like myself a good Pickle Barrel sandmich, but not after a swim.

  21. pathloss on January 23, 2014 at 8:34 am said:

    I’m surprised any of you read the Argus. You must go to the supermarket every day where you find it with other fiction tabloids. It’s a waste of time and money.

  22. DL: “I do like myself a good Pickle Barrel sandmich, but not after a swim.”

    But what about during a swim? I can see it now… instead of a poolside bar we can have poolside Pickle Barrel sandwiches. They can add an event to the swim tournaments where it is breaststroke until they hit the counter – then they have to down a regular size sub before finishing the lap via the butterfly stroke.

    Time to put Sioux Falls on the map baby! We are innovators!

  23. rufusx on January 23, 2014 at 1:43 pm said:

    Kudos to you DL – you took action and prevented an illegal act by your government. You didn’t wait around until after-the-fact and file a complaint.

    Oh wait – you’re still complaining anyhow.
    Oh well.

  24. Um, I wasn’t the one that prevented it, a fellow citizen advocate made Kornkernel very aware that the city was about to break state law. What I was talking about is how a ‘Pro-Sunshine’ paper like the AL, doesn’t even know what ‘Sunshine’ laws are on the books already.

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