
Gotta hand it to Dan,

“As far as the opponents claiming it’s a hardship, I think that doesn’t really hold water. You still can get ballot measures done. You have to gather a few extra signatures,” Lederman said.

That’s about as rich as Pat Powers saying he actually ‘worked’ in Pierre;

Having worked in the State Capitol Complex for a good number of years,

Yeah, worked at selling bumper stickers and eating cheeseburgers. What a waste of tax dollars, just like Mr. Lederman.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Jackass quote(s) of the day”
  1. Shhh! Let the Republicans include the RVers, they’re democrats. Then, perhaps a demo carried state.

  2. Cory, We could dedicate an entire blog to the delusions of Dan Lederman, but most of it could be pulled from the ALEC website.

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