October 2015

Mayor Mike Huether’s ‘Shut Up & Listen’ session, Oct 21, 2015

Wow. That is all I can say after watching this episode. It was truly the best episode of this program. Before I get to the notable moments in the show by our mayor, I will tell you why I truly enjoyed it. It was the SF Ministerial Association meeting, a group of pastors, priests, chaplains, ministers and reverends in Sioux Falls tackling the big issues in our community. I can truly say I learned a lot about the work they are doing for the less fortunate in our community and the mentally ill. They seem to understand the teachings of Jesus Christ; help those who can’t help themselves.

And this is where it gets ‘odd’.

While these highly intelligent and caring group of folks inform us over an hour about their community service, the mayor either seems oblivious to their work, or learns a helluva lot. I will give him credit on this one. I think Mike left this meeting feeling inspired and informed. I hope he takes this ‘learning’ experience and does something positive with it. And I truly mean it. While I am on his case a lot, I truly think there is a caring individual inside of him. I think he learned quickly throughout the meeting that he didn’t know it all when it comes to these issues in Sioux Falls.

A couple of notable moments in the show were;

• At the beginning the mayor self-proclaimed himself the minister of 170,000 people.

• A pastor (jokingly) encouraged him to become an evangelist after leaving the mayor’s office because of his enthusiasm.

• He is scared of death.

Like I said, you will have to watch it yourself and make your own interpretations. I watch all of this as a deist who doesn’t believe in religion but has a deep faith in a higher power.

The most telling and informative part of the meeting was when a hospital chaplain asked him about his fear of death and his anxiety about it, and carefully offered him advice. She said while she is scared of the process of death (pain and being a burden on her family) she doesn’t fear death itself. She essentially told the mayor he needed to get a handle on his fear of fatalism.

It was very telling.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Monday Nov 2, 2015

Once again, Argus city watchdog reporter, Snevawesomeness beat me to the punch. But I will take a moment to review.

The meeting is held on a Monday night (again) because some city councilors need to make an appearance at a national meeting and spend their budget on Tuesday.

During the informational they will be learning about building codes instead of microbrews.

At the council meeting they will be tackling a large amount of alcohol licenses, zoning issues, UBER and campaign financing.

Whole stole the flag?


“I’m telling the truth, just ask Whopper Junior and the traveling computer server fun show.”

While the state debates whether or not spending $18,000 per military vote (while thumbing their nose at native American voters) was a wise choice by our former Secretary of Hamburgers, uh, I mean State, some other questions have arisen, like who stole the flag? And more importantly, why is it a secret?

Well, it really isn’t a secret, but that’s all you are getting from me. But if the person’s name is ever released, and it is who it is, you will see they have many political connections in Sioux Falls.

Stay tuned, this is going to get interesting.

I also wonder if the timing of this flag fiasco and Gant investigation (that has been going on for months) has anything to do with taking attention away from the latest EB-5 findings? As you may or may not know, Shantel and Mitch Krebs are close friends with Mike Rounds, and would defend him in any manner. Nice distraction folks.

Let’s worry about flags and I-Pads while the elephant walks out of the room.

Minnehaha County Commission Races

Rumor has it that a Sioux Falls city councilor that is term limited this Spring is considering a run for the county commission. Also, some have been suspecting that appointed commissioner Jean Bender will not run because she has found the job to be ‘overwhelming’.

Maybe if the commission would have been more transparent when they made the appointment, they would have picked someone who was more ‘committed’ to public service instead of someone who was ‘connected’ in the developer community.

But what do I know, I’m just a speculator.