The Land Use committee of the Sioux Falls city council will be accepting more public input about boulevard gardens.
The informational will also be busy talking about the upcoming city election (switching to precincts, because they are forced to because they don’t own any E-Poll books) While I am all for precincts, it should have been like this all along, more musical precincts, no consistency on voting. At least the combined city/school board election, the primaries and the November election will all be the same process as precincts. Did the previous SOS eat all the E-Poll books, or hide them in the trunk of a former staffer’s car forgetting they were there? Oh, that’s just state historical items, my bad.
The city is proposing to get in line with state law and having the very minimal time of posting agendas at 24 hours. Does this mean no more agenda postings on Friday? We will see. (Proposed Ordinance, DOC;Â info_posting_agenda
Shape Places needs more changes, go figure.
Dean Karsky will be talking about the rental car fee hike to help rich developers put in sewer pipes.
All this bullshit over a 3 foot strip of grass is the perfect example of how this cities overreach in regulation has become an epidemic.
LJL and all others, this is why we go to these meetings, put our data together, testify, question the members when possible and also record the meetings.
We band together when possible to make sure the city does not illegally overreach or create new rules making our participation illegal.
As long as this administration controls the strings of government in Sioux Falls we have to stay vigilant to all their actions. This Tuesday will be a very corrosive series of meetings. Look at the agendas and you will see the administration working to take away not only more money from us but our ability to see what they are doing.
Just like when discussing any project it is stressed how we are not charge enough fees for the privilege of having MMM our mayor. This mayor has driven Sioux Falls into insolvency and as we dig into the facts surrounding this the City Attorney finds new ways to further limit our access to data.
The city council at the behest of the mayor / administration does not post the information needed by us by Friday business close or Monday by noon, what makes you think they will get their homework done by Monday at close of business?
As Justice Louis Brandeis stated “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants” in his 1913 Harper’s Weekly article, entitled “What Publicity Can Do.” He stressed we must be part of the process of exposing the hidden agendas destroying our democracy. We must force the opening of government records to destroy corrupt secrets.
I agree, NOT posting the Council’s meeting agendas until 4 o’clock/7 o’clock (24 hours notice) is NOT citizen friendly.
But, in answer to the question—what makes you think they will get their homework done by Monday at close of business?
South Dakota State Law regarding Open Meetings
What is their stated reason for the change to the 24-hour notice? What do other cities do?