The Great Oz of Sioux Falls?

While Greg and I don’t see eye to eye on a myriad of topics, I feel sometimes Greg and I share a common belief; if you lie to me, and I catch you, there will be Hell to pay.

Greg discovered something (finally) that I have known about the mayor before he was even elected; he’s a carnival barker snakeoil salesman. He proved this with his time as VP of Marketing for one of the most infamous subprime credit cards in the world. So horrible was their marketing scams the FEDS changed credit card laws to reign them in. THE FEDS! I mean wow! When DC thinks you are corrupt, that is a whole new level. And make no mistake, while Mike likes to call himself a ‘banker’ he was really just the chief huckster. He took his experience (business acumen) straight with him to city hall.

I’m glad Greg has finally seen the light;

The big lie was actually a lie of omission. Not once did the mayor make it clear that the one million dollars was in VALUE. He never even hinted at it.

And that’s the game he has always played. You wait, on Tuesday, you will probably see him in the wings at Carnegie (if he even has the balls to show up) watching his pitiful administration team fall on the sword for this guy. I just hope at least one of them has the integrity to point the finger at the man behind the curtain.

The Argus Leader also weighs in on the matter;

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, such negotiated government secrecy violates state open record laws. That’s a huge victory for the citizens of Sioux Falls, whose tax dollars underwrote the most expensive project in city history.

I know it has been easy over the past week to get in the weeds on this, especially with all the confusing numbers. But remember, most importantly this is about transparency, and can be summed up with one sentence; The mayor lied to us about the settlement amount.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “UPDATE: Greg Belfrage Nails it!”
  1. Your maniacal fascination and focus on the mayor is getting creepy. Your daily hate affair with him and his administration reminds me of watching Fatal Attraction.

  2. “You look like a million….” “It would take a pretty million to buy that…” “That’s worth a million in my opinion…” “That must of cost you a million…” “You would have to have a million to do that…” “Where did you get the million to buy that?…” “Where did you find the million for that?…” “I didn’t know you had a million laying around to buy something like that…” “Do you have a million laying around so I can have one too?…” “How long have you had this million?…” “What, did your parents give you a million to buy that?….” “And where are you going to find the million for that?…” “And what happens when your girlfriend finds out that you don’t have a million?…” “Well,
    I guess if you have a million you can do things like that…” “It must be nice having a million laying around, huh?”…

    But where did I ever say “cash?”

  3. Rabbit, I am obsessed with the fact that this man has lied to us consistently and without regret or remorse for the past 7 years. The time is now for him to come clean.

  4. As someone who has closely followed SF politics for the past several decades, my gut tells me he has a lot more than the Events Center to come clean about.

  5. from Belfrage’s blog:

    “[…Mayor Mike Huether came on the show Tuesday morning to discuss the confidential settlement over the bulging panels on the Sanford Premier Center.

    The mayor brought City Finance Director Tracy Turbak along with him, which was a complete surprise to me. I didn’t know Turbak was coming until I looked up from the control board and saw him standing outside my studio.

    I thought it would have been nice to been asked, or at least notified about Turbak’s inclusion, in advance. It is, after all, my show. Perhaps Mayor Mike is so used to being in charge at City Hall that he forgets he’s not in charge everywhere else. …]

  6. belfrage has been an apologist and advocate for two people cut from the same cloth. trump and huether. I would have guessed belfrage would have abandoned ship with trump first. Who’s to say how belfrage will handle his next monthly PR interview with huether. I trust belfrage no further than I can spit, so I would not be at all surprised if the interview is the same ol same ol. Place the ball on the t-ball stand and allow the mayor to hit it out of the park. No baseball high and tight, just a fat ol softball.

  7. WP – I would agree. When I first read his blog post, the first thing I thought was, “What took you so long?”

  8. This matter is a result of the flawed city charter. Simply, the mayor has all the power. There’s no checks and balances. Have we learned anything?

  9. belfrage spends most of his time listening to his follow up programs, limbaugh, hannity, and levin. 75% of his airtime is spent echoing their talking points, and by extension, apologizing for the miscues of his clown president. Until recently the only input he ever had on city matters came from huether. He openly despises the Argus, though he reads it, front to back. I truly believe Theresa, Pat, and Greg are beginning to open his eyes.

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