Yeah, we have been gathering that over the past couple of years.

You are also not an expert on construction contract settlement negotiations, general math, and telling the truth.

Stormland TV had to track down the mayor at an elementary school, where apparently he has been hiding out for the past couple of days. When asked if a forensic engineering report existed, Mike said this;

Don:  That study by Judd Allen Group, is that complete have we seen anything on that?

Mayor:  Nice try Don, Karen Leonard would be the best one to answer that question,”

Karen Leonard is the assistant city attorney.  KELOLAND News reached out to her and  did get an email from her late Wednesday afternoon.  She says she’s going to do some checking on that forensic study and get back to me.

I will be shocked if the report still exists.

But the Mayor’s Chislic Feeding Buddy wasn’t the only one trying to keep track of Mike’s lies. I guess Greg Belfrage was playing clips of the Mayor this morning on his show talking about the ‘million dollars we have in our pocket’ shortly after the settlement was secured a year ago. We hope to have a ‘best hits’ video up soon about what the loser said.

By l3wis

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