September 2017

Am I missing something here?

I like to talk about ‘common sense government’, so when I see something like this, I really start scratching my head. (Item #4 consent agenda) Of course, I have known for a long time they have been planning the stockyard park across the street from JM’s. Ever since the city decided to close the mostly FREE Horse Barn arts center to build a butcher shop museum in Falls Park, the wheels were in motion.

Don’t get me wrong, parks are a wonderful thing, especially when private donations are involved. But doesn’t anyone with the city or associated with the project think building a park like this across the street from a stink factory is a good idea? Why not put it in the middle of the city landfill? Ironically, you know what location would make a perfect farm-themed park? A couple miles to the east on the Lacey property.

Sometimes I wonder if city leaders ever use their brains when concocting some of these proposals.

Here we go again

It’s too bad the neighborhood just doesn’t pool their money and develop the land they want to, like a private park or plot it for homes;

Owners of properties that surround an urban farm in northeast Sioux Falls have filed paperwork with the City Clerk’s Office to protest a decision by the City Council to allow apartments to be built there.

City Clerk Tom Greco said Friday that 17 properties in the Oakview neighborhood near Sixth Street and Bahnson Avenue were included in petitions submitted this week to force the council to reconsider a vote it took last month to rezone six acres of urban ag land at that intersection to a “live-work.”

The new land-use designation would allow several different types of development, including apartments, but neighbors have been vocal in their resistance, citing density, traffic and safety concerns throughout the months-long saga.

I actually thought the Live/Work designation was fine, and I supported the council on their last decision. I guess the neighborhood wants more conditions on the property before selling. I also believe that the Brown’s held onto the property way to long as agriculture land, they should have rezoned 10-15 years ago.