May 2018

Oops we forgot Public Input (5/30/2018)

Once we get past the Geo Domes and Holograms, George let’s them have it about home valuations.

The Sioux Falls Public School’s attempts to keep everyone in the dark by having meetings without paying attention to the public was illustrated on May 30, 2018 as the members tried to close out Task Force Meeting #4.

The school district has no intention of playing fair or above board in their attempts to spend $190,000,000 to build more vanity schools for the privileged. The audience called out the Task Force members and George Hahn spoke for many but by then what did it matter, the Task Force had already voted before any public could speak.

UPDATE: Final Sioux Falls School District Bond Task force meeting

UPDATE: Looks like they will be asking for $190 million dollar bond in a stand alone election in September. Never pass. Never. If they get 45% I would be shocked. The only saving grace of the night is that they will assess us over 10 years and incrementally raise taxes over that time period. They are going to sell this to us as a $3 a month increase ($185K valuation).

One of the best ideas of the night came from Public Works Director Mark Cotter (who I think knows passing the $190 million is going to be a challenge). He suggested a $126 million dollar bond and pay for the rest with capital outlay funds. He got poo-poo’d right away. They were quick to point out that they can’t trust Pierre and they may need that money for other stuff. In other words, get as much as we can and hey if the outlay money is still there, we’ll spend that to. A lot of greedy people run our school district.

The final meeting will be tonight at 5:30 PM at the IPC.

The group is expected to come up with a final price-tag and what exactly that will be paying for. They will also be discussing an election date. I think they are shooting for $150 million.

The Superintendent wants the election in September as a stand alone, which I think is a bad idea and will not get the 60% passage required, I think they would be better off having it in November.

I think they are assuming they will have a lower voter turnout which equates to a better chance of passing the bond issue. In other words they are going to appeal to people who they think will be willing to pass it. Sometimes this works, in this case I don’t think they will get passage for either date. I think they need to get the bond at or under $100 million. If they go with the $150 million price tag, that will equate to a $100 a year for every $100K valuation of home in property taxes.

While I know we need to build new schools, I think they should scrape some of the money from other sources and get the price tag down below $100 million. I also think they need a long range to 5 year plan in build all of the schools, spreading the expense out. I will vote against it if they can’t get it down to $100 million, and I have a feeling most people will to. I would be surprised if they even get 40% in favor of it.

Pomp Room Documentary (Early) Trailer

I was one of the patrons that was interviewed, not sure if I will make the final cut, and heck I can’t even remember what story I told, I have so many. I used to have a FREE pass to the place when I started creating the ticket artwork, so I spent most weekends there, met tons of musicians and friends at the place. It was always a blast. Heck, they even used to let me park my bike in the liquor storage room.

Part dive bar and part home, The Pomp Room was the greatest rock and roll club in South Dakota. Filmmakers Austin Kaus and Jesse Yost are currently hard at work to tell the venue’s story with The Pomp Room: The Documentary. When completed, the film will capture the spirit of the legendary South Dakota venue with photos, flyers, and–most importantly–interviews with the bands, employees, and patrons that were there for all of the chaotic beauty that was The Pomp Room. See where Aerosmith played a surprise show, Fugazi got a great dinner recommendation, and Marilyn Manson learned why it’s important NOT to piss off the bouncers. Please enjoy and share this trailer, and follow for updates and anecdotes as the film moves toward completion. Remember the Pomp Room’s motto: IF IT AIN’T LIVE, IT’S DEAD.

UPDATE: We keep OSHA busy in Sioux Falls

UPDATE: I guess it is just quicker to start over (click to enlarge)

Another close call

First off, I will say that when you don’t use UNION labor, mistakes are made. But I also wonder if construction companies are under enormous pressure to get things done to fast. While growth is good, more measured, slow growth is better. When we start ramrodding growth for growth’s sake, mistakes get made, and buildings collapse.

Hopefully we will get some answers from OSHA on what happened. But it seems to me we need to cool our jets a bit.

From a SouthDaCola foot solidier;

I sat across the street from this building as the rafters were placed. I did not think there was enough bracing in place. They were raising 2 rafters at a time at a rapid pace.