May 2018

Maybe our Health Care Mega-Plexes should partner with Paratransit instead?

While it’s nice that Sanford has money for liquor licenses, suite’s at the Denty, Sports Bars, Basketball arenas and now a tourist trolley, shouldn’t Sanford & Avera be looking at a private/public partnership with Paratransit?

“We’re always proud to support services in our communities,” said Paul Hanson, Sanford Health executive vice president. “We know how much visitors love the Sioux Falls trolley service and couldn’t be happier to support it.”

While that’s great, I just wish our health systems would focus on ‘health’. I think a partnership with the hospitals and paratransit could be inked. Besides, I think the Trolley should be paid for out of the CVB’s BID Tax, but I guess they refuse. Well at least Sanford is fulfilling one empty promise from the former mayor and the CVB;

The trolleys also will be available as a shuttle service between downtown and the Denny Sanford Premier Center for major events throughout the year.

Premier Center entertainment district here we come!

Public Input moving forward ‘AS IS’

It was reassuring yesterday to hear that the council seems to be OK with leaving public as is at the regular 7 PM meeting and expanding it at the informational and other committee meetings. I was unable to attend due to the 3 PM time of the working session, but I had told Neitzert earlier in the day some of my concerns and Bruce also raised some concerns.

It looks like now it will go to the operations committee to tie up loose ends and they will move forward with a resolution before July 1st. It looks as though input will remain the same at the 7 PM and 15 minutes will be added to the end of other council meetings for public input, or as time allows.

Councilor Brekke was also adamant that no matter what state law says about the chair’s powers that council policy will override the chair’s ability to limit public input due to the fact Sioux Falls has a home rule charter. It has been refreshing to hear Janet’s ‘Legal’ input since our double-dipping, retired, contract for hire attorney couldn’t answer the ‘what if’ questions.

KSFY did a story, and so did KDLT.

South Dakota Republicans upset there isn’t an evil Dem to vote against

So the latest poll is out. Guess what? Mr. Scandal and do nothing Snow queen government subsidy are neck and neck. Why? Because they both have a slobbering horse greasy ‘R’ behind their names and Republicans are freaking out. It’s like the poster my step dad posted to our rusted out frig one day that had a cartoon rooster on it saying, “I’m so confused I don’t know which way to point my pecker.”

You mean in the primary I can’t vote AGAINST an evil abortion loving Democrat?! What gives? Now they have to make a decision between two Republicans and it’s the most difficult decision in their lives.

Can’t we just flip a coin?

Maybe we can have Trump decide?

Either way we won’t get a respectable candidate. That’s ok, in November just vote Sutton.

There should be stricter penalties for irresponsible gun owners

Here we go again, having to explain to hayseeds why it is important to lock the door of your car and your house.

I have often felt one key piece to better gun control without infringing on the 2nd Amendment rights of others is having stricter penalties on irresponsible gun owners.

If your gun is stolen because you don’t properly lock it up or secure it, aren’t you partially liable? I think so.

I think if your gun(s) goes missing (because you didn’t lock them up) and you report it missing there should be a $500 fine for each gun and gun license revoked for 5 years.

If your gun(s) is stolen and used in a crime, there should be a $5,000 fine for every gun stolen and used in that crime. License should be revoked for 10 years.

If your gun(s) are stolen and used in a crime in which someone is injured, you should get a $20,000 fine each gun stolen and up to a year in jail for each count. Gun license revoked for life.

If your gun(s) are stolen and used in a crime in which someone is killed, you should get a $100,000 fine, 5 years in prison and license revoked for life.

I have often said it isn’t the responsible gun owners that are the problem in this country, it’s the irresponsible ones and the criminals that take advantage of their stupidity and laziness. They should suffer the consequences or just choose to be responsible. The 2nd Amendment is a right, but that doesn’t mean you can abuse that right.

District 13 Candidate Rolfing unsure of what county he lives in

Oh, shucks, I guess I’ll have to drop this wood off in Canton.

While absentee voting today at the Minnehaha County Auditor’s office Rex Rolfing walked in and says, “Is this where I absentee vote?” Which made me kind of laugh. He said ‘Hi’ to me and sat at the ID table, than he says to me, “Are you going to vote for me?” I explained to him I was an independent and couldn’t, “but if I was a Republican and could, you know the answer to that question.”

I walked out not even realizing until someone told me later that Rex was probably turned away because he is a Lincoln County resident, and in a primary he MUST vote in his county. I wish I would have stuck around to see that.

But what I also didn’t realize is that as a candidate you cannot solicit a vote at a polling place. While I knew Rex was joking, as he knew the answer to the question, I wonder if he knows asking that question is against the law.

Looks like another person running to make laws in Pierre without understanding those laws to begin with. BTW, Rex, your County Seat is in Canton. Just go South a few miles, you will find it.