I was reminded of proposing a total transparency ordinance a year ago after talking to a city councilor yesterday. I was trying to tell them that while the little battles over open government have been slowly chipping a way at transparency, it is much more like going two steps forward and three steps back. I suggested that they propose a total transparency ordinance, and if it fails, keep bringing it back with tweaks until it does. Let’s face it, the city council has had over a year to come up with a permanent solution. I think they should ALL work on this together, first in a working session, operations committee and city council informational.

Right now all we have seen the past year is a back and forth game of what should be transparent and what should not. I have said in the past that there has never been a government body in SD who has gotten in trouble for being too transparent, so open it up and put it in writing (in the charter).

I guess we can continue to have the school yard fights over registration fees and book club meetings, but the council should really be looking for a semi-permanent solution to fixing transparency and communication, because until that happens, I’m not going to listen to the whining anymore.

6 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council continues to chip away at open government through little battles

  1. A Member of the Welcoming Team for Dillard's on May 28, 2019 at 1:06 pm said:

    We seem to be trending towards an open collar government. Our young trendy leaders give the appearance as if they are tieless and unshaven Iranians before the UN Assembly. Yet, we have a Baghdadian arch on its way, a bunker ramp, an incomplete 58th palace on the southside of town for Saddam, and a pending war with Iran. Our political and civic leaders seem to be giving us mixed signals as to who we really are…. So with a new Fleet Farm on it way, is there really room, or acceptance, for a new Dillard’s?

  2. D@ily Spin on May 29, 2019 at 9:29 am said:

    There’s transparency. It’s just that everything has been redacted.

  3. matt johnson on May 29, 2019 at 7:54 pm said:

    Are we profiling now? what is wrong about looking like a tieless unshaven Iranian? we have been told that we must accept all people- brown, black or (maybe) white; Muslim, Buddhist or maybe even Jews and Christians; straight or especially gay; but all of a sudden it is wrong to look like one of these ‘different’ people when it is someone you don’t like

  4. A Dillard's Advance Team Member on May 29, 2019 at 10:00 pm said:


    You said, “we have been told,” but don’t you do it naturally?

    If ThuneHaken showed up in green fatigues, I’d call him a Cuban. If he showed up overweight wearing new shorts and white tennis shoes, I’d call him an American in Paris…. And if he showed up at Pride, I’d call his church…#ComedicLicense…#Relax!…#TakeAChillPillMan

  5. matt johnson on May 30, 2019 at 8:02 am said:

    ADATM, I try to accept all, but clearly you and your team member don’t- again, you are profiling

  6. Now That's A Laugh on May 31, 2019 at 11:02 am said:

    matt johnson

    “I try to accept all”

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